
Sold To The Alien Alpha: One

A weakling, an odd Omega. Or so they thought. So they sold her to the Alien Alpha. Belle's fate changes when she becomes a property of the Alien Alpha, she moves to a different planet where all she knows is pleasing her new mate. Danger lurks around her as everyone wants to see her dead for being different. Belle has to learn to rise in power and strength and become the female alpha she was always meant to become. She doesn't just have to protect her people from an terrible sudden invasion, but also her heart from her Alien master.

Angelica_James1 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter Two: The Interruption

The training and warning my father had carved into my brain resonated and I immediately ran for the shelter where most of the omegas and children were running to hide, along the way I had to pull up two little children because they were too slow and in my way. I got in with several of the women while we waited for more to join us. From where I was i could see our men fighting and running with some hooded people, a few gun shots here and there, plus the howling and grunting. This took a while and then it was over.

I came out of the shelter and walked towards where the men had formed a circle, I could see that several of our men were naked while some were still in their wolf form. It was easy moving through them to see what was on the ground. I gasped, several of the attackers were all over the ground, dead. With a young soldier, one of ours had his head blown off. I think he was the only one we lost on our side. The crowd slowly dispersed away till a few men and I were left, they then took his body and walked away as well.

I stood in the middle of the compound and life around me resumed as usual, as if what happened was so meaningless that they had no care. I could understand that we were all so quick to continue because we were actually used to being hunted and targeted, something liked this happened so often that we were already used to it, but this was still too cruel

I hadn't even seen any of the leaders here, probably still in thier precious little meeting to care about the attack. My breathing got harsher as I turned to walk the distance to the building that I knew they were all in. The cottage were they all stayed was uphill and it took me a while to get there. This time again I remembered my father's warning to never step foot inside but I was too furious and I didn't know if I could hold this all in without exploding into pieces.

There were no guards in front so I immediately walked in and headed straight for where I knew they all were. Worse of all the closer I got, the more of their laughters and words I could hear, these fuckers were all having a good time

I pushed at the huge wooden doors that led to the room and it hit the wall with a big bang, and they all immediately quieted down. From where I stood my eyes clashed with that of my father's and I saw his eyes widen, with fear. I was afraid too, but more than I was afraid I was angry, so I let that emotion lead me as I walked farther into the room.

"With all due respect! There was an attack just now from the West gate and we lost a soldier!. I told father that..."

"What is a female doing in here?" Asked Conor. "Is this what the dog brought in?" He taunted with a stupid smirk on his face

"Stop it I am serious. You were all here when we were attacked, having this stupid meeting. Someone lost their life today, is that not important to you people?" I asked angry

"Belle stop" warned my father

"No, let her. I enjoy watching children lecture me and tell me how to do my job" said Elijah. He was also an MI13 leader, and also Conor's father. He was also the Alpha to the MI13

I was breathing hard and fast and my heart was beating out of my chest. I looked around at all the males in attendance and my eyes caught that of Tony, he was my best friend, and Conor's younger brother. The moment my eyes met his and I saw the fear and apprehension in his eyes I immediately realized what I had done and the fear I had been trying to push away immediately overcame me.

"Go on. Tell us" Alpha Elijah repeated from where he sat

The whole room was quiet, maybe some whispers here and there but all thier attention was on me and what they knew would happen to me. What I knew was about to happen to me

"Conor, take her out of here. We have more important things to address" said Alpha Elijah as he dismissed me. I could hear the disapproval in the room and immediately felt the rough tug as Conor held my arm and dug in.

"Let's have a little chat outside" he whispered angrily as he pulled me away.

"Young woman" said the Alpha, making I and Conor to stop "the next time this happens, I wouldn't leave it up to my son to take out the trash, I would do it myself" he warned then looked away as if he hadn't just threatened my life. My eyes caught my father's for a second before I was pulled away

We were outside tthe door when my back hit the wall with a big bang and I had to blink a few times to remove the haze out of my eyes.

"You liked the attention didn't you? You liked going in there and causing that little scene" said Conor as he held me tightly in both hands. His eyes were going crazy with anger

"It had to be said. You arrogant bunch were here when...what are you doing?!" I asked as he began leading me away

"Where do you think?" He asked smugly

"Let go now! Let go you arrogant idiot!" I screeched as I was being led away

I knew where he was taking me to. He was a sadist and have always enjoyed torturing me for as long as I have known him. I didn't want to go there, not the underground, I didn't want it to be that. Anything but that. That place was the worst in the world. My thoughts jumbled with one another as I kept struggling to have my arm let go, but Conor was bigger and stronger than I was, I didn't have a chance but I still struggled

We came out of the building through the back door and he forced me a short distance to the makedo underground one man cell they had there. It was already opened and all he had to do was throw me in

"Stop! Stop it! This wasn't what the Alpha meant you sadist!" I shouted the more I struggled to not be pushed in. He had a really tight hold on my arm

"He asked me to handle it, I am handling it" he said casually. He was clearly enjoying this

"Conor. Please" I whispered as the tears I didn't want to fall gathered. I wasn't beyond begging at this point. Anything as long as I wasn't thrown inside

That moment was enough for him to push me in and I fell with a thud, and I heard the sound of the padlock being put in place before footsteps walked away.

The only thing I could think of was that I was back, the one place that made me sick and afraid and absolutely terrified. I was back in hell. I barely held myself together as I shivered over and over in fear. I was back in the darkness