
being a slave?

" mum please don't let me go with him." Ariel cried with her shaky hands in her mouth. she didn't want to be a slave at 19.

where was her dreams now?. Her ambition to be an esteemed lawyer had vanished into thin air when her mum had told her of her father's debt.

" This is really hard for me. " Mrs Wyte took Ariel's shaky hands and kissed them noisily.

" mum please, we can find a way to pay dad's debt. " Ariel fell to her kneels.

Mr Doris was seated in the living room waiting for the girl to be brought to him. What captivated him was a extreme beauty.

He vowed to take her with him come what may.

" you know my business has crumbled and I have no hope of reviving it. " Mrs Wyte spoke softly. she regretted having her daughter go with Mr Doris but she had to do it for the safety of herself and her daughter.

Ariel's father used to be a drug addict and had borrowed tons of money from Mr Doris before he died. now Mr Doris was here to get his money back.

surprisingly, the so called Mr Doris was young and really handsome. he was just 25 years old to the amazement of Mrs Wyte.

" what about my schooling? " Ariel asked her mum.

" Ariel! " Mrs Wyte shook her head lightly, crying bitterly.

" I want to be a lawyer mum." she said in pure affirmation.

" Ariel, please try to understand. "

" mum, please don't do this to me!!!. " Ariel stared at her mum palely. Tears had refused to flow anymore.

" Ariel, " stands up, " I want you to be out with your belongings in two minutes."

" mum-m-mum!!! " Ariel stuttered as her mum left her in her little room. the room was like most Nigeria house for the poor, it was really tiny. it only contained a small bed and small space for clothes.

Was this how her dreams will be swept off by the wind?

Ariel knelt until her knees went sore. How on earth was she supposed to fulfill her promise to her dad?. how was she supposed to put her enemies to shame?.

" Dad, I forgive you for what you did. but how am I supposed to fulfill my promise to you?. why did you go into drugs in the first place?. "

Ariel waited for a while before rising to her feet. she had to be strong for her family.

There was nothing in her room to gather so she walked slowly to her doom.

* * * * * * *

" I don't have all the time in the world. " Mr Doris said as he adjusted his expensive Spanish suit and smirked.

" I'm sorry sir. Ariel needs time to digest all this. " Mrs Wyte bowed her head in respect to Doris.

" Time is money to me. " Doris scoffed.

" don't talk to my mum like that. " Ariel fired at Doris.

" Ariel! " Mrs Wyte gave her a warning look.

" Wild cat! " Doris smirked, he stood and shoved his hands into his pockets.

" I'm very sorry sir. she's quite naive. " Mrs Wyte stood in front of Ariel when she noticed Doris movement towards her daughter.

" move. " he ordered Mrs Wyte and she did as he said. " I love wild cats. " he caressed her face and pecked her neck. Ariel was boiling with rage. she felt like choking him to death.

" please sir nothing must happen to my daughter." Mrs Wyte said with confidence.

" I'll decide what to do with your daughter. " he grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of her house leaving her mum to mourn.

This was the beginning of a new life for Ariel.

Her mind wandered afar as Doris drove away from her remote village into the big city.

She had always dreamt of going into the big city of Lagos. Maybe being a SAN in Lagos will be a great achievement on her path. she looked through the window into the sky and remembered what her pastor always said in most Sunday services; GOD HAS A REASON FOR PUTTING YOU WHERE YOU ARE. EVERYONE OF US HAS A PURPOSE OF OUR EXISTENCE.

Did God plan for her to be a slave?. was his plan to truncate her destiny and render her useless?. surely God isn't wicked. Ariel sighed.

What was the use of dreams when reality rubbed misery in your face?.

what was the need to study when you're destined to be a slave?. Maybe aspirations and dreams were for the rich and affluent. maybe we the poor are meant to serve them for as long as we lived. Ariel felt miserable. All her life, she had believed that hard work and study was her key to a good life but here she was, about to be a slave for the rest of her life.

she wanted to go to school like other children. At age 19 she was supposed to be in her tertiary level. she had the brain to carry her through but maybe God didn't like her enough for her dreams to come through.

" get down. " Doris voice jolted her from her thoughts.

" yes. " she slightly bowed her head and came down from the car with her mouth wide opened.

This was the biggest house she'd seen in her entire life. it had every feature of an hotel. there was an artificial waterfall in the centre of the massive building. the ground was tiled and the fences were sparkly.

Was this the house she'd be living in? who says God doesn't answer prayers? she chuckled and managed to close her mouth. this was certainly a blessing in disguise.

Ariel walked behind Doris into the magnificent and mesmerising living room.

This was too much enjoyment for her. A lady dressed in a unique uniform came and took Doris' bag away.

" why am I here? " Ariel mustered up the courage to ask him. even though she knew why she was there.

" you're aware of your dad's debt right? " he turned to face her.

" I'm clearly aware of that. " she answered with confidence.

" Good. You're here to serve me. " he smiled. the lady came back and stood beside him, " Lydia will show you to your room. have a little rest, you must be tired. " he smiled and left.

Lydia smiled at her and led her up the stairs to a gigantic room. Ariel couldn't believe her eyes, how on earth would a slave live in a room as big as this?

" Have some rest. If you need anything, jingle the bell by the bed edge and I'll be here. " Lydia smiled and left before Ariel could utter a word.

Ariel still couldn't believe her ears. did she just say " anything " like, " anything?. " this was her own definition of heaven on earth and she had to enjoy it before Doris would change his mind.

She strolled into the restroom and collapsed on the floor. she couldn't help but smile to herself. the restroom interior was magnific. she'd enjoy being a slave as long as she could enjoy all these.