
Sold To Him: Full Moon Blood Pack

Sneak Peak: Moonlight spilled through the forest, casting an ethereal glow on Trisha as she stood between the two alluring and dangerous alpha males. Torn but resolute, Trisha took a step back, "I won't let this become a battlefield. I need time to figure out what my heart truly desires." ________________ Blurb: In a world where supernatural beings coexist, Trisha, a spirited young woman with a mysterious past, is sold as a breeder to the Alpha King of England, Christian Armstrong. But later she finds herself torn between two powerful alpha mates, Shadow, a brooding vampire, and Christian. As the fate of their world hangs in the balance, an ancient prophecy resurfaces, revealing that Trisha holds the key to an enigmatic amulet with the power to shape destiny itself. As the love triangle intensifies, dangerous secrets unravel, and loyalties are tested, Trisha must navigate a treacherous journey of self-discovery, sacrifice, and the true meaning of love. In "Sold to Him," is not just a quest for power, but a battle for the heart. _______________ This story is slow paced so please be patient with me as it actually takes big turns from Volume 2. Also This book is taking part in WSA newbies, please support with ps, gifts, privilege chaps, and gts. :') Love you all

She_Myra · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Intoxicating smell

Trisha Volkov

It was nearly three o'clock in the morning when Dominic finally agreed to take us to the pack territory.

Christian's pack is known to be the most powerful and the only one of its kind.

So when it was time to step foot in their territory, I thought what I will find will be well-developed colonies and high-five people showing off their money.

But what I saw was something I never expected.

The territory was a linear village. The packmates' houses were built in parallel rows. Each house was surrounded by small gardens. The paddy fields are at a distance from the house. And the territory was surrounded by thick forest.

From where I come from, this type of thing will be classified as poverty. But I know that this will be a heaven on earth for Shifters.

A shoulder bumping into mine took me out of my thoughts. "Are you going to stand here all night?" Dominic asked.

"No, it's just, I didn't ~" I tried to find a word to describe my feelings but he cuts me off.

"Expected this? I know many people don't. From outside everyone thinks we are rich brats, ripping each other's throats for power but we are far from that" He explained as we walked in the fields-like road.

"I can see that," I said, admiring the view in front of me.

The air here was fresh. But a smell lingering around was teasing my senses. As if something was calling on me. My inside goes restless.

"Dominic, do you happen to smell something suspicious? " I asked him.

He frowned, looking around, he said "Nothing out of normal. Why do you ask"

"It's some sort of smell pricking my nose, calling me. Kind of making me restless" I told him truthfully.

A dark look fell on his features. Gone was the playful Dominic I was with all night. Replaced by someone I could not recognize.

When he speaks, his voice also sounds different. "You can walk straight from here. I have to go" He told me pointing ahead.

I looked where he was pointing and moaned my protest "I don't know the directions, can't you just leave me there~" My protest stopped mid-way when I turn back to find no one with me.

Dominic was gone.

"Dominic? " I said to the empty space where Dominic was standing.

Huffing, I started walking where he had pointed out. 'And I had thought I finally found a friend, of course, it was too good to be true' I said to myself.

Now that I was alone, and the night was dark that every one of the pack must be asleep. I started following the smell that was still teasing me.

Strangely, it led me to the biggest house in the entire lane. I cocked my head.

It was not a mansion, but it was still big enough to be filled with at least a hundred people.

The house was built of wooden material. As I entered inside, the corridor was decorated with photo frames. Many unfamiliar faces were huddled together in the photos.

I stopped at the last one, examining the kids. I put my wild guess that these kids were probably the weaklings of the pack. Pampered by everyone.

They were very cute, I was so lost in their cuteness, that I didn't notice the presence of another person until two hard arms were wrapped around me.

"If you don't want me to skin you alive, you better change this body suit and think again before ever wearing this again" A threat fell from the lips that were very close to my left ear.

A shiver ran down my body. The only reason I didn't run screaming away was because those muscles were becoming familiar to me.

"Please leave me, Suece," I asked him politely.

"My name is Christian, better call me Alpha or nothing " He growled.

I am surely sick, But his growls were urging the butterflies in my stomach to go wild.

"Okay," I said trying to get out of his grip.

"Say it, Trisha" He demands.

I could feel his breath on my neck. His hold around me tightened a little more.

Taking a deep breath, I uttered those words of obedience "I understand Alpha"

Releasing me from his grip, he muttered a "Good girl" before starting to walk inside the house.

I had no option other than to follow him.

Surprisingly, the smell that was inviting me into this house vanished away. And I still don't know what it was.

I asked Christian the same thing.

"You are not in the position of asking questions," He said with his eyes narrowing on me.

I bow down a little, although it was a fake act of submission. Inside I felt pure irritation. It was a simple question. He can at least answer it like a decent person. But no. He has to remind me that he hates me.

He gritted his jaw, "Do you think of me as a monarch or something? I don't make everyone do something as stupid as bowing down" He said.

I hide my grin at his irritation. We started climbing the stairs.

Lost in my amusement, I didn't notice when we entered the master bedroom.

Realizing what can happen now, my amusement was gone long now.

Christian walked to the bed and started removing his white shirt.

I squealed, making my eyes close.

A sound of melodious laughter filled the room. My eyes widened behind my palm when I heard it.

The sounds of footsteps coming closer to me alerted me. As they came closer, I stepped backward until the backside of my legs hits the coach and I fell on it with a yelp.

"Ouch!" I yelped opening my eyes.

Christian was towering over me with a smug look on his face. "Afraid of a little nakedness, huh?" He said.

Then I remembered he was shirtless. Causing me to squeal again closing my eyes.

"Hmm...Guess you are what they call you.... a virgin. Not in just a sexual manner but also in a social manner. I'm the first guy you had ever seen like this" He teased me.

"Nooo! You are wrong" I yelled at him, forgetting my politeness.

Although the blush creeping up my neck to my face betrayed my words.

Of course, I've never seen anyone naked except myself. I never even completely looked at myself when I am naked. But fuck me if I am going to admit it to this sick bastard.

"Yeah? Then why don't you open your eyes?" He continued to tease me. I can't see it, but I am sure his face will be bearing that signature smirk of his.

"See, I am just not in the....mood....to look at you in any way. That's the only reason, I'm covering my eyes" I tried to justify myself but the way it came out husky, I failed miserably.

Hard knees parted my legs and stepped between them. "What are you doing!" I shrieked still refusing to open my eyes.

"Just testing your patience, I have told you before, I want a woman of patients to bear my pup," He said before his hand gripped my throat in a firm yet gentle grip.

I was more focused on his touch to debate his words. Something inside me was seeking comfort in his touch. It was a very new experience for me.

"You should have changed out of this body suit in favor of something decent, I didn't like the way every man there was looking at you, wishing you will be their meal tonight," He said out of nowhere.

I gasped, his words hitting deep. His body came undeniably closer to mine and I withdraw one hand from my eyes to push him, only to stop short.

When my palms interacted with the hard muscles on his chest. Electricity jolted my body. What I did do next?

I scrapped my nails over his chest. A groan invaded my ears.

There's no arguing anymore, I am in trouble.