
What Wine?

He assured her as he saw how much she was sweating and the horrid look in her eyes. His brows creased deeply, and he turned her so she could face him, then stared deeply into her orifices. 

Leia blinked twice as she breathed heavily, trying to recollect herself.

"Little...wife." He tenderly caressed her cheek, and Leia's eyes fluttered furiously.

"Adrik..." She called his name, and he cupped her cheek with a smile on his lips. "I am here, little wife. It's all just a nightmare." He softly comforted her and unexpectedly, Leia wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Please don't ever leave me." She pleaded in a cracked voice, which indicated she was crying, and Adrik drew her back to stare at her face.