
What Makes You Think He Wouldnt?

Adrik stood in front of the mirror, a huge smile on his face. Finally, it was almost the end of the month, and today, he was finally leaving with Alex to go see his wife. Although he's really excited, he can't help but admit that he's quite nervous. 

He doesn't remember her, so going to see her makes him a bit anxious. How would she react if she knew he didn't remember her? Will she be mad at him? 

He took a deep breath and buttoned up his pants, then wore his white turtleneck top and wore a pristine white jacket on top of it. He packed his hair up into a ponytail, leaving only a few strands to fall over his face. He smiled at himself, then turned around and walked towards the bed. He slipped his leg into his white shoe and glanced at the bracelet clasped around his wrist. Then, with his hands shoved into the pockets of his pants, he made his way toward the door and pulled it open. He stepped out and shut it behind him.