
Teach You Some Manners

Leia smirked and ignored his glaring green eyes. They continued to dance with each other and didn't even notice when everyone stopped dancing and fixed their gazes on them.

Leia smiled and drew back from Adrik. He caught her by the waist and pulled her back into his embrace, then they moved back and forth in rhythm. They placed their palms together and moved from side to side, with their gazes fixed on each other. Leia swayed her hips in cadence to the music, and Adrik smirked slyly. With her back facing him, he placed his left hand on her belly and interlocked his right hand with hers, then they slowly swayed their bodies in inflection with each other. 

The pacing of the music changed suddenly, and he grabbed her by the hand and twirled her around, then caught her by the waist and bent her down.