
Smart One

Leia sat on the edge of the bed, clad in a fine sleeveless white dress that stopped at knee-length. Her hair was neatly combed and just a bit of makeup was applied to her face. 

A deep breath escaped her mouth and a vicious grin emerged on her lips. 'It's going to be a surprise.' She smirked within her as she thought and glanced at the dressing room where Adrik had been inside for a minute now.

She had let Adrik know of her plan, so hopefully, she would succeed tonight. 

The door to the dressing room creaked open, and Adrik walked out outfitted in a fine white suit that complimented his demeanor. His hair was let down to reach his back knee.

Leia's eyes fluttered, and she stood up from the bed and walked over to him. "Adrik... your hair." She went behind him, and her eyes blinked vigorously in shock as she stared at the length. "It's too long!" She exclaimed and turned him around to gaze at his face.