
Mr. Fynn

Leia arrived back at the mansion and made her way inside. She pushed open the door to their room and met Adrik, who was wearing his shirt. "You're back." He turned to stare at her with a smile hanging on his face.

"Yeah." She walked to the bed, sat down. 

"How did it go?" Adrik clasped the last button of his shirt, leaving three open, then began to adjust the hem.

"Well... it went pretty okay, I guess. I settled things with him. So..." She shrugged then began to assess him from head to toe. "Where are you going?" She inquired, her brow arched.

"I have some business to attend to." He walked to her and leaned down, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "I will be back soon." He snatched his suit jacket from the sofa, then grabbed the key and proceeded out of the room.