
I Won't Bother You Anymore

"I felt attracted to you and I felt I was liking you, but... I denied it. I didn't want to admit that I fell for you, even though I admired you every time I saw you. What I am trying to say is, now that I finally realized that I liked you, you have become distant and far away, and I just don't understand why. I don't believe that your feelings faded away in the blink of an eye because losing feelings for someone you love is one of the hardest things to do. So tell me, why are you hurting me? Why do you so badly want to break the mate bond? If it's because I hurt you before, then I am sorry. I promise, I won't hurt you again. I only did it then, unknowingly. I never meant to." He apologized, and Ileus stared at him unmoving.