
Girl At The Window

Layana flipped through the book in her hand and, on finding the page she was looking for, a low breath exited her nose and she began to read it.

Sudden air blew across the room and instantly knowing who it was, she turned her hand to see Lucifer standing with a smile on his lips. 

"Grandpa!" A wide smile ensued on her face, and she quickly stood up from the bed, then rushed towards him and gave him a tight, big hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, girl." Lucifer cackled softly and patted her on the head. 

"You stopped coming. Why?" Layana asked with a bit of displeasure in her tone, and Lucifer shook his head at her before walking to sit down on the sofa. "It's complicated, girl. I have a lot of things to do, and currently, I am busy with a huge task." He smiled at her as he explained, and Layana nodded even though she didn't understand.

"So, why are you here today?" She asked as she walked towards her bed to sit down.