
Best Friends

She shifted away from him without sparing him a glance and pulled her legs to her chest, then wrapped her arms around them.

Adrik's brow creased in confusion, and he couldn't resist asking, as he moved closer to her, to touch her. "little wife, is something—"

"Are you stupid or what?" Leia slapped his hands, that was about to touch her, away and raised her eyes, which had so many questions swirling within them, to stare at him.

Adrik drew his head back in surprise and gazed at her with deep confusion written all over his face.

Leia breathed heavily and glared at him as her face turned red in anger. "Why the fuck are you being nice to me?! You should be awful and hateful towards me, not nice to me!!" She yelled at him and punched her hand on the swing. "I have always been mean to you, and I don't understand why you're making me feel so guilty with your stupid nice treatment of me!!!" She shut her eyes and screamed to release the knots of guilt that were stuffed within her heart.