
Sold to a Prince!

In the land of magic and beasts, Sylvia was betrayed by her family and sold off as a slave. She was expecting the worst, but fortunately, it was a handsome prince who had ‘bought’ her! Who doesn’t love a charming, benevolent, and kind prince, not to mention ridiculously handsome? But, little did Sylvia know that the charming handsome prince was no angel but rather a devil in disguise! The calm, kind and good-hearted Sylvia found herself slowly changing under the devil's influence but worst of all, she found herself becoming more and more addicted to the two-faced devil who harbored dark and dangerous secrets. But could she ever fully trust the shameless devil? Or was he just one of the many who desired her hidden powers? Let the games begin! ....................... Excerpt: "Are you getting ready for your engagement, my sweet kitten?" The devil's familiar voice drawled, making Sylvia's entire body tingle with an unfathomable need. She gazed into his dark coal black eyes, lost within them, as he rubbed her lips with his thumb. This man... This man in front of her alone had the power to make her knees weak and her heart crumble. "Heh. Being silent, are we?" The devil chuckled, his hand moving away from her lips to the back of her head. He clutched a handful of her soft silver hair and pulled her closer to him, capturing her lips with his. Sylvia snapped out of her trance and commanded her body to push the devil away but her traitorous body only yearned for him more and she wrapped her hands around his neck instead. The devil's lips curved upwards, his grin widening in satisfaction. His hand then moved down to her gorgeous engagement gown laced with diamonds and rubies which came undone as soon as he touched. The laces, the veil, the flowers, the jewelry, everything was ripped to shreds, leaving behind only herself. An entire morning spent on getting ready and dressing up gone to waste just like that! "You!" Sylvia glared at the shameless devil angrily. She had given him an inch but he went for the mile! She pushed him away with all the force that she could muster, pinning him against the wall, imprisoning his rude mannerless hands. "Heh? Why are you angry, my darling? Aren't I helping you? Why waste your time attending the meaningless engagement, when you already know that you belong to me and me alone?" "Go to hell! Who said I belong to you! I belong to no one." "Is that so?" The devil leaned forward, gently knocking his forehead with hers. "Shall I leave then...?" He whispered, his warm breath caressing her cheeks. Sylvia's face instantly reddened as she couldn't resist the devil's sweet temptations anymore... She gave into the man's wicked allure and pressed her lips over his, stopping his mouth from taunting her and teasing her any further. ....................... Instagram: yolohy_webnovel Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/yolohy Discord: https://discord.gg/5CvPuX6M88

Yolohy · Fantasy
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229 Chs

I am not a monkey! Part1

After cleaning the meat and neatly stacking several skewers, Cassius quickly ran around and collected some firewood.

And in the name of guarding the meat, Sylvia stayed back, leisurely playing, throwing pebbles on the brook and watching them skid along the surface of the water, making tiny little splashes.

Her eyes twinkled as she happily enjoyed the cool breeze of the dusk and the cloud patterns of the setting sun.

She was the perfect picture of a carefree young girl. She might have as well come out for a picnic with a group of close friends.

Of course, all of this was possible only because a certain someone was currently pretending to be asleep.

Mikel laid underneath a tree, his tall figure resting on the green pasture, and his hand lazily covering his eyes.

To the distant woman, he sure looked like he was taking a small nap, and resting.

But in reality, his eyes as always lingered on the slender woman, keenly watching her antics, observing even the smallest of her movements through the gaps in his fingers.

How courageous! Mikel chuckled lightly in amusement.

The girl in front of him consistently surpassed his expectations, never failing to surprise him every single day.

He could only barely hold in his laughter as he continued eying her with a loaded grin. 

It was indeed true that human beings often revealed their one side when they were being watched while another when they think no one is watching them.

But he didn't mind it. 

It was after all human nature to err. Besides, if there were no crimes, then how could there be punishments?

The man's lips curved upwards, his smile being three parts evil and seven parts wicked.

Soon, the colors in the sky faded and the evening darkened. 

Cassius somehow finished setting up everything, doing all the humdrum work by himself, and that too with a smile on his face. 

"Slave gal! Everything is done!" He wiped the sweat off of his forehead and clapped his hands.

"Yes, your highness. It looks amazing." Sylvia licked her lips, smacking them in hunger.

"Can you make fire, slave gal?" Cassius asked, eager to show off the next step.

"No, your highness. I don't have any aptitude in magic." Sylvia pursed her lips and shrugged.

"Oh! Then you will really enjoy this. Watch me carefully. Ta Da!"

The little kid snapped his fingers together and mumbled something.

Immediately, bright sparks flew amidst the heap of dry wood in front of them, setting them ablaze.

Sylvia couldn't help but jerk away slightly. 

In a matter of seconds, the kid had kindled a small fire, crackling and roaring as if it was alive.

"Perfect! Now we can start grilling!" Cassius clapped his hands and began setting up the meat skewers, also by himself.

Sylvia, however, noticed something very very important from the corner of her eyes and quickly grabbed the skewers from the little kid's hands.

"Let me do it, your highness." She shamelessly smiled and helped the kid.

She diligently arranged all the meat skewers on the makeshift wooden setup, that was a height in order to protect the tender meat from direct fire.

As soon as she was done setting it up, the meat started slowly cooking, a delicious aroma wafting out almost instantly.

Sylvia had already forgotten all about the blood and gore, her eyes only on the prize in front of her.

She had barely eaten anything since morning and her stomach was on the verge of a major revolt.

It even grumbled loudly, letting everyone know about her predicament.

"Slave gal, did you just fart?" Cassius pointed his finger and laughed at her.

Sylvia was mortified, but seeing that Mikel and Theodore were walking towards them, she silently bit her lips and swallowed back her shame and embarrassment.

"I am just hungry, your highness." She bitterly smiled.

"Heh. What a coincidence! I am hungry too!" Mikel chuckled as he strolled over to them lazily, Theodore closely following behind him.

Sylvia immediately stood up from her squatting position and bowed, greeting the Prince and his Knight.

Mikel did not spare her another glance as he sat down next to Cassius and started chatting with him about the academy life, asking him various things.

The little kid who was more than fond of bragging excitedly began telling Mikel a truckload of stories, most of them being mundane and insignificant.

He boasted about how he got the highest marks in history. He boasted about how good his physical fitness records were and the kid continued prattling on and on, almost chewing Mikel's ears off.

As a slave, Sylvia knew that she was supposed to become a backdrop to these people, acting as if she didn't exist, but she couldn't help herself and sneaked a small peak at Mikel.

She didn't think that the man would have so much patience as to listen to the silly child without a single grumble.

Perhaps it was the flames of the bonfire casting a dull brightness on his perfect ethereal face, the man looked more attractive than usual, his eyes radiating warmth and affection.

Her gaze lingered on him longer than she meant to and it didn't escape the devil's eyes.

He felt her looking at him, and quickly shifted his gaze to meet hers, sending shivers down Sylvia's spine.

Like a thief caught in the act, she immediately bent her head back down, a bright rosy hue painting her soft cheeks.

Mikel chuckled softly as he continued listening to the boy next to him.

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