
sold the soul to Devil

jaby koi sold his soul to Devil when he was 11 years old because he wants to talk to his died parents...

D_T_7666 · Urban
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11 Chs


in City hospital

patient :- hello Doctor my arm bone hurts

Dr. Rebeca :--- okk show your arm

patient:-- okk Doctor

Dr. Rebica :---- There is a gap in your arm bone, you will have to apply plaster.

patient:--- okk Doctor

Dr Rebeca :--- nurse apply the paster in his left arm


nuse:--- okkk Doctor sir please come to plaster room

after 10 minutes

Dr. Rebeca :---- okk you will come after 10 days and these the medicines

patient:--- okk Doctor thank you☺️

Dr Rebeca:---- no problem sir my duty 🙂

patient:--- okk byyy Doctor ☺️

Dr Rebeca:--- byyy sir 🙂

Dr Rebeca:--- uff this is the last patient 😫