
Sold? Oh please.

COMPLETED Jessie Marin is a popular and successful actress at the peak of her career. Until she is in a staged accident and the rest of the world thinks she's dead when in fact she's kidnapped and sold in a trafficking ring to the highest bidder. Jason Kang a wealthy business tycoon, invited by his friends to the auction house, does not intend to buy anyone. In fact, he thinks it's a disgusting thing, changes his mind when he sets his eyes on Jessie. The only problem is he fell in love with her body. Nobody, not the kidnappers or the bidders knew her identity, what happens when Jason finds out? How does he intend to keep a woman who will not be kept? And what happens when a common enemy arises? ~~~ "So what are you going to do? Yes, I escaped or rather tried too, what are you going to do?" Jessie sassed at him. Jason grinned "you're not in the least scared of me are you?" he asked. "Should I be?" Jessie laughed. "You definitely should," He said flipping over and trapping her beneath his own body. "You forget" he continued "You are a captive in this house, not a guest, not a visitor. And you won't take a step out unless I say so. So I advise you to rather stop defying me and behave." "Or what? You'll hit me?" she scoffed. "Oh, honey there are worse punishments than physical abuse," Jason said. Jessie wanted to believe he was bluffing but they were a danger, a deep rage that she saw in his eyes that terrified her. Did she want to find out what was worse than a beating? She bit her lips and tried to push him off her, but he grabbed her arms and held them above her head. Pinning them above her head with one hand and gripped her neck with his other hand. "Don't push me, Jessie, I'm trying, really trying to be good. Be careful with that pretty mouth of yours." Jason warned. "You're trying? I haven't had a proper meal in the last three days, I have no clothes and I'm sorry but I'm I supposed to look at the ceiling all day? There is nothing to do in this house." she snarled. "You say there are worse things than physical abuse what else could you possibly take from me?" Jason smiled and tilted his head as she uttered her last words. Dipping his head he sniffed her hair. Coming down lower and biting her ear lobe. He loved the way she shivered at the contact. "Oh dear Jess, there a lot of things I can take from you" He whispered in her ear. Dragging his nose the expanse of the smooth clear skin of her long neck. When he placed a feather-light kiss on her collar bone she struggled beneath him. But she was not strong enough to break out of his grip. ~~~ Feel free to message anytime on discord @ Obliviousstudent#2356. I do not own the book cover, credits to the artist.

Obliviousstudent · Urban
Not enough ratings
380 Chs

26. Brother.

"What rubbish" Jessie scoffed as she looked out if the window, not realising that as she criticized the view he was calling beautiful he was actually admiring his perfect view.

"Anyway" She turned to look at Jason who immediately avoided eye contact and faced the window. "I'm going to shower, I assume you'll do that in your own room." She said turning to limp away.

Jason wanted to say something flirty but stopped when he saw her limping. "Are you sure you'll be okay on your own?" He asked.

"Why? You want to bathe me?" She asked sarcastically.

"I'm serious, I'm sure the nurse and the rest of the staff have arrived. If you need help I can just call her." He said curtly.

Jessie stared at him for a while, just when did he become so filial? "Why are you doing this?" She asked, this time seriously.

"What do you mean why am I doing it?" He frowned. "Why am I doing what?"

She didn't say anything for a moment "You know what, nevermind. And yes I think I would need help. Thank you." She smiled walking or rather limping away.


Just as he thought the staff was already here, the maid, the nurse and the chef he had hired when Jessie fell ill. Come to think of it she still didn't have any clothes, he only bought that one outfit that were no shredded because he already let her go.

He could go out and buy her new clothes, or would she prefer if she wore her old clothes? That wasn't impossible to do. 'She would probably like that.'

He walked down stairs and saw his maid already dusting some of the bookshelves.

"Oh good morning Sir." She said bowing slightly.

He nodded in greeting "Where is Abigail?" He asked.

"Oh she's..." she trailed of, "I'll go call her." She said walking away. A moment later Abigail approached him.

"Go to Jessie she needs help taking her bath." He said.

Abigail frowned and her brows deepened in question, but Jason seeing no reason to explain himself turned around and walked back upstairs.

He heard his phone ringing as soon as he entered his room, walking over to pick it up he answered. "Talk to me?"

"Sir, I've been trying to get to you for two days now!" His secretary panicked.

"What happened? Why do you sound so stressed?" Jason asked.

"Sir, Phillip has been sending the reports you asked him for, and..."


"Sir you're father has brought Jonathan Kang to the company and made him COO."

Jason was silent for a moment and his secretary knew what was coming next, which is why he was panicked. "What?!! And you're just telling me this?!" He yelled.

The flinching secretary held the phone some inches from his ear to dampen the blow to his ear drums.

"Sir I called but y-you didn't a-ans-answer" He stuttered.

"You sir are in massive trouble. Send me everything that has to do with that bastard my father calls son and get here right now!" Jason said tossing his phone and walking in angrily to the bathroom. COO? COO! His father was truly too much. What did that half wit know about anything? And he was COO.

After he was done and dressed in an attractive black suit, sleeking his damp hair back with the comb and some cream. He was thankful he shaved last night, otherwise he would be at work today with a light stubble.

He grabbed his phone which luckily landed on the bed, and walked out of his room.

Walking downstairs he saw his secretary waiting for him suitcase in hand. He moved with purpose.

"Huh? You're going to work? I thought you said you were working from home today." Jessie said from the couch. She was in another one of his shirts, the sleeve was too long and again her smooth long legs were on display.

"He said that?" His secretary said in shock.

"Yes" Jessie nodded. "Why? Has he never done that?"

"Yes" this time it was the secretary nodding. "He never misses a day and he is never late."

"Really? Wow, this morning he said he wanted to sleep in." She said.

"Wow, unbelievable." The secretary shook his head and they both looked at the man of the conversation. He was scrolling through his phone.

He looked up and saw the two pair of eyes on him and he frowned. "What?"

"Your secretary says you're going to work." Jessie said pointing at the other suit clad man in the room.

"Yes, something suddenly came up. You'll be fine on your own right?" He asked.

Jessie smiled, "Don't worry I'm tougher than a few angry fans."

"They were at least more that 150 and you had to bathe with help. I'd say that underexerggerating the situation." Jason said curtly.

"I'm fine really you can go, plus you're secretary um..." she looked at him and he nodded when he understood what she was silently asking of him.


"Matt, said you haven't missed a work day? Go I don't want to be a burden." She shrugged.

"Okay then, take care of yourself." He said walking down. He walked past Matt to the door, suddenly stopping and walking back to Jessie he grabbed the blanket draped on the side of the couch and dropped it on her legs.

Jessie stared at him in confusion, "what's this?" She asked.

"There are men in this house, I don't like you exposing your legs like this." He said matter of factly.

"Pardon?" She asked. But he didn't respond or explain himself as he walked out to the penthouse. Matt shot Jessie a sympathetic gaze as he followed his boss.


Jason walked into the building with purpose, he got into the special elevator for executives and before Matt could push the button for the highest floor Jason pushed the floor just below that. Matt looked at his boss in confusion.

"I should go say hi to the new COO, don't you think?" He said with a slight raise of his brows.

"S-Sure thing sir." Matt nodded.

As the elevator door dinged and slid open he walked out, and headed straight for his brother's office. They were a few other offices on the floor, his friend had an office here as well so he knew exactly where to go.

"Uh.. can I help you?" Jonathan's secretary stood up with a haste and stood in front of Jason.

"What the hell are you?" Jason asked with a tilt of the head. Matt stood on his tippy toes, poking out from behind Jason making motions to tell her to abort whatever she was trying to do.

"I beg your pardon sir. But you do not have an appointment you can't go in. And if you weren't taught any manners, I tell you. People aren't referred to like inanimate objects, I'm a who and not a what." She said matter of fact. Staring straight into Jason's eyes with defiance.

Jason was taken aback. "Do you have any idea who you're talking to?" he said.

The secretary looked uncertain for a moment before adjusting and jutting out her chin again.

"I do not care neither to I want to know, you can't go in." She said.

Matt stood behind his boss with his head in his hands piting the soon to be jobless woman.

Jason stoic face broke into a grin.

The secretary stared at him with a surprised expression, no doubt this man was extremely good looking. But she at least had a filter and he was definitely the good looking jerk. She was able to identify that about him and stand her ground. Now he was smiling at her? She didn't know why but she felt scared, although she'd rather die than show him.

"What's going on?" Jonathan asked from the slightly open door.

Jason looked up and his grin fell of as he locked eyes with his brother. Jonathan who was shocked stood up taller. And looked at his half brother.

"It's being.... forever, brother." Jason said with a smile.

"Jason, I wasn't expecting you." Jonathan said sincerely.

"Yeah well, neither was I" Jason said walking past the secretary. Jonathan opened the door wider and stepped aside for Jason to pass.

As Jason walked into the office he stopped at the door frame and looked at the secretary.

"You're fired. Be gone by the time I come back out." He said stopping again to look back. "Oh and better hurry I don't intend on staying long."

So sleepy....

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