
Chapter 121 : Who's That Man?


Mom ran her fingers across Selene’s head, admiring her fine white hair. She looked every ounce the doting grandmother instead of a ball of uncertainty, like Maeve. Maeve was pacing back and forth near the fall wall of my bedroom, her arms folded across her chest and her head bent as she tried to organize her shock.

Everyone else had cleared out to give us some privacy. Just Mom, Hanna, Maeve, the baby, and I remained, and Mom had just finished feeding the baby a bottle. Hanna awoke, but she was still groggy from sleeping so much.

“She’s beautiful, Hanna,” Mom said softly, smiling down at the baby in her arms. “What’s the meaning of her name?”

“I–I don’t know. She told me her name, in a dream.”

“We could think of a nickname for her,” I added, chewing on the side of my cheek as I narrowed my eyes on Maeve. Her pacing was heightening my anxiety.