
Chapter 108 : Building a New Life


I walked through the streets of Pomeni pack and unlike the last time we were here, when everything was crumbled and in ruins, the packland had really turned around.

We’d only been there for a couple of weeks, but already, it had completely transformed.

The land was lush and vibrant and that gave the Norwind survivors hope. I could see it in their faces, how happy and excited they were to have a new home. One that wasn’t completely destroyed by war and floods.

Pomeni had been in rough shape the last time we were here but with just a few weeks of TLC, it was well on the mend, and so were the Norwind survivors.

I stood in the doorway of my temporary home. With the large group we had, it only took a few days to get some temporary houses constructed. That way, they could focus on restoring the land before building permanent homes.

From my doorway, I could see the streets of the packland where the other Norwind survivors moved about in the streets.