
Solar Sovereign (TDG)

Prepare to be enthralled by a breathtaking journey as you step into the mesmerizing world of "Tales of Demons and Gods." In this captivating fanfiction, follow the extraordinary tale of Tian Yi, a reincarnated wanderer who defies fate itself. Meet Tian Yi, a traveler of worlds, blessed with a second chance in life, gifted by the very gods themselves. Transcending time and space, he awakens in the fabled realm, five years ahead of the main cast. Armed with a heart brimming with wanderlust and an insatiable thirst for the unknown, he yearns to explore the vast wonders that this mysterious world holds. Yet, his reincarnation bestows him with an astounding power that blazes like the scorching sun. Guided by the divine hand of destiny, Tian Yi harnesses the might of the sun to conjure awe-inspiring abilities. The sun-drenched aura surrounding him heralds the arrival of a force not seen in ages—a force that will reshape the very fabric of this realm. Embracing his newfound destiny, Tian Yi forms an unbreakable bond with a majestic Sun Dragon, his loyal demon spirit. With its fiery wings and radiant scales, the Sun Dragon becomes a testament to Tian Yi's indomitable will and a beacon of hope in times of darkness. As he crosses paths with the iconic characters you know and love, Tian Yi's presence weaves a tapestry of profound connections, forging alliances that will forever alter the course of history. Yet, lurking beneath the surface, sinister forces conspire to unravel the world's balance, plunging it into turmoil. Follow Tian Yi's epic odyssey as he delves into ancient ruins, explores treacherous realms, and faces daunting trials to unlock the true extent of his powers. His unyielding spirit draws friends and foes alike, each captivated by the enigma of this enigmatic traveler. ps. I don't own anything besides the fanfictions words themselves. The cover art was downloaded from google. If the creator wants it removed i am happy to comply.

Machete_007 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Dungeon crawling

In a chamber which looked like a throne room there was an OPP intense fighting going on. Two beings were clashing together for supremacy over each other. One was a teenage boy who looked around 15 and the other was a humanoid that looked like it was made from countless tentacles. It also had eyes all over its body. their fighting was so devastating that the shock waves produced heavy wind with each exchange of their swords. If you looked behind the teenager you could see an unloving body of an elf dressed in a maid outfit.

"Alina, talk to me!" shouted Tian who was in a sword stand off with the monstrosity that was in front of him. Seeing Tians desperation the corners of its numerous eyes curved upwards. Suddenly a tentacle from the monster's body went for the elf behind Tian. Tian quickly focused all of his energy in his hands and fended off the monstrosities sword, he also cut off the tentacle in quick succession. The monster smashed into one of the pillars of the chamber scattering dust everywhere.

"Huff! Huff! Huff!" Tian who had many bloody wounds all over his body sat down with his sword and one knee on the ground. He looked in front of him and from the rubble a figure could be seen walking slowly toward him.

'I overestimated myself' Tian realized his mistake and thought to himself.

A while back:

Under the vast sea of stars you could see a campfire burning. Two figures could be seen sitting beside each other. Both of them were teenagers. The female passed a bowl of soup toward the boy who was just staring into the fire.

It's been more than two weeks since Tian and his loyal maid entered the dungeon. At first it was pretty standard stuff like narrow corridors with traps and monsters but as they went on the scale of each floor kept getting bigger and bigger until they reached the floor fifty. From floor fifty each Floor started to have its own biome. Sometimes it was a lush forest with all kinds of deadly bugs, sometimes it was a desert with scorching heat and again with deadly monsters. But one thing that was common in all the floors was their objective, you just have to find the entrance to the next floor and defeat the guardian of it to proceed further. After Two weeks of exploring they finally reached floor 99 and defeated the boss. It was a tough fight even for Tian.

"Master may I ask some questions ?" Alina asked him, breaking his thoughts.

"Sure, what do you like to know?" Tian said facing Alina.

"Master as we have finally reached the final floor of the dungeon, how does it feel to know that you're finally gonna return to your home?"

"Well it certainly feels nice but even if I return my stay there will be very short. We will be heading to the draconic realm soon."

"What about your parents? Although master is strong, you're still young. Don't you wanna see your family ?" Alina said in one breath and went silent.

"Actually I am an orphan." Tian said in a blunt tone.

"I am very sorry master for bringing it up" Alina quickly stood up and bowed down to Tian for forgiveness.

"It's okay. Although I am an orphan I was adopted by the city lord for my talents. His wife treats me like her own son. I also deeply appreciate it. When I go back I plan to....." Tian kept rambling about Ziyun and the other members of the city lords mansion who he interacted with.

"Master really misses them huh?" Alina who was listening with a hand supporting her chin said while smiling.

"Ahem! It's not that. I just felt like telling you since you will be my maid for the foreseeable future." Tian who was embarrassed a bit said in quick succession.

"You don't have to feel lonely master I will always be there for you, your one and only maid." Alina said while punching her chest.

Tian didn't say anything, he just kept eating. After finishing his meal when he was ready to go to sleep Tian said in a low voice "Thank you Alina for being there."

Alina hearing this gave a sweet laugh "It's my duty master"

The next day Tian got up early and prepared for the last floor. The 99th floor was challenging for him so he didn't let his guard down anymore.

He proceeded to open the doors and both he and Alina entered at the same time. What greeted them was a throne room and on the throne a hideous monster was sitting with a sword in its hand. Feeling their presences it opened its many eyes and looked toward the intruders who disturbed it.

At a speed that even Tian was unable to perceive it appeared behind them and kicked toward Alina. Alina closed her eyes and activated the gaurdian stones. But as if it was thin air the monster's foot went straight through it and sent her crushing towards the wall.

"ALINA!" Tian was right about to go for her but the monster intercepted him. They had an intense clash between them but as time went on the monster got faster and stronger causing Tian to suffer heavy damages. He received many sword wounds on his body. They battled for more than 15 minutes and things weren't looking too optimistic for him. Alina wasn't moving and the monster was intentionally targeting her. After defending Alina from the tentacle attack Tian was thinking how stupid he was. This was the final floor. He should have kept Alina outside the boss room.

'No point in feeling guilty now' thinking to himself Tian suddenly jumped backwards and a tentacle came out from the floor from where he was at. 'It seems I have to utilize everything I have to win this fight but first.' Tian sheathed his sword and held it while slightly bending forward. As the humanoid figure came out of the dust Tian released his attack. The monstrosity saw a golden dragon opening its maw at it and swallowing it whole.

Many blade wounds started to appear all over its body as it was being pushed back to the walls. "ROAR!" It unleashed potent energy at once and nullified Tians attack. It bent down on one knee and supported itself with a sword. when it looked forward he saw his first victim was not where he saw her last. While it was getting up to slaughter the vermin that dared to disturbed it's slumber the boy who was putting on a decent fight arrived in front of it.

Something was different about him. His upper clothes were gone and it saw that the wounds that he suffered was healing at a rapid rate as they were steaming. He was holding his sword with his both hands. His eyes that were in panic before now had unwavering determination in them. A fire-like red mark slowly appeared on the left side of his forehead. Suddenly on pure instinct it raised its sword before its neck "Ting" it had blocked the sword which was about to be cut off its head. Now Tian who was right before its main eye was staring at it with his emotionless eyes.

"Now then, let's go for round two shall we?"