
Solace within you

Sometimes life doesn't give you what you want or expect, but when it comes to love, you find a way to make the impossible, possible... These two lovers, Daniella and Noah, end up meeting each other six years later. Noah isn't ready to let her go again, but Daniella doesn't want to be with Noah anymore.... what would happen between these two? Find out. Mature contents Read at your own risk

Chris_the_writer · Urban
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16 Chs

You have got to be kidding me!

I stared at myself in the mirror, in my new uniform. I looked…Beautiful actually. Yesterday, after I had been accepted for the job, Mrs. Paula gave me my uniform and asked someone to take care of "poor, battered body" , according to her. A few women in the house took me into a very big bathroom in the mansion. I mean, this bathroom was huge!. They began taking off my clothes. I immediately felt conscious of myself, I halted their movement. They all backed away.

A woman walked up to me, their uniforms were actually quite different form the rest of the workers in the building. They were wearing blue T-shirts and trousers, and the woman who walked up to me, was putting on a black dress, that stopped below her knee. All their hairs were covered.

"Child". She said putting her hand on my right cheek, I moved back. What was going on here exactly?!.

She just smiled. "Master won't be happy, if he knows that you weren't taken care of, before his arrival. We need to clean you up, my dear, so you'd look pretty for him". She said bowing her head to me. Is this how they treated all their employees?. This whatever Master was indeed a pervert, no wonder all the female worker looked really good. If not for the contract I had already signed, I would have ran out of this place. This place was starting to creep me out.

I just nodded my head, I should comply, if not, I won't get that awesome money as my salary. But if, I find out that this so called master is indeed a pervert, I'm suing him and getting the hell outta this place.

They continued undressing me. "Don't fear child, we won't hurt you". She said to me. That's exactly what's every serial killer in movies.

"My name is Lilia. It's nice to meet you ma'am." She said introducing herself. I nodded again. She seemed nice though. But aren't all serial killers nice before they kill you?.

I kept quiet as they led me into the huge tub. The tub look like it was filled with milk, and rose petals were spread on it, I sniffed it, and entered it. They just stood with their backs to me.

"Do you want us to wash you ma'am?". Lilia asked. I shook my head.

"I'll just wash myself. You don't need to worry". I said to her. She beamed at me. And I washed myself. Indeed, this was lovely.

'I want to be able to provide for you. I want to give you the best in life, my love. I want you to have a big house, have everything I can give you in this world. I want you to have your bath in a big bathtub filled with milk, so that your skin can stay so soft and creamy as it is. I want to give you a life filled with good things baby.'

My eyes snapped open, he was invading my thoughts again. I was thinking of him again. It's already been six years, and I can't still move on from this man. He should have stayed with me, No!, He only wanted a good life, but, not with me.

I rainsed myself. The ladies turned around, helped me out of the bathtub. I was taken to a huge bedroom. They put me on the bed, and gave me the best massage of my life.

I fell asleep in between the massage. I woke up later that evening. On the bed, Naked, I saw clothes on the side of the bed. I quickly wore them. It was just a nightgown. I was still feeling sleepy, so I went back to sleep.

I woke up to the knocking on my door, I opened it, and Paula was standing there with clothew that looked like a maid uniform in her hand. She gave me a disgust look.

"It's 10 in the morning, and you are still on bed. You are very….". she stopped, and tried to call her breathing. What was this woman's issue with me?.

It's not like I did anything bad to her. I overslept because that bed was the warmest bed I have ever slept on.

"I.." I tried explaining myself. She raised her hand to stop me.

"I don't care. Just wash up and change into these. The master is around, he wants to see you". She said to me before giving me a once over and walking away. I walked into the room and shut the door. Such a rude woman.

I washed up, wore my uniform, put my hair in a bun, and here I am. I walked out of the room, and there was again, the WWW (Wicked witch of the west). I smiled at her, she just gave me a once over and said, "Follow me". And that's exactly what I did. This woman seriously had issues.

We walked out of the mansion, into the garden. We walked for about fifteen minutes, before a glass house appeared before me. It was so beautiful. I have never seen anything like it. The owner of all this, is really loaded. I doubt he's married, no one ever days, 'the woman of the house, neither do they say the kids'. They only make mention of 'the master's. Well I'm about to know who this master is.

We walked into the house, the glass door opened automatically. I could hear the laughter of men, as I walked into the house.

My heart started beating as we got closer, why was I suddenly getting nervous?. With every step, their laughter grew.

We stopped in front of a glass door, it wasn't transparent. Paula halted her steps. "Stay her, while I talk with the master". She said to me.

I nodded my head. She pressed a button, before entering. I stayed outside for a few seconds, before Paula came out.

"You may go in." She said. I looked at her with my brown arched. "Won't you show me the way?". I asked.

"The master wants only you". She said, and I heaved, before nodding. She pressed the button she pressed before entering. I walked in, with my head bowed down. My heart was beating like crazy!.

"Stop". Came a deep quiet voice. I stopped on the stop, I was trembling. I was scared, really scared. Why did he want to see me personally?. Did I do something wrong?. Wait, does he want to terminate my contract?. Oh, hell no!.

I sank to the ground. "I'm so sorry sir. If I have done anything to offend you, or….emm…anything at all…. I'm sorry. Please forgive me". I said pleading with everything I've got. My head was still bent down, I was scared to look at him.

I heard footsteps, and they stopped in front of me. He crouched down to my level. From the look of his thighs, he would be muscular.

I felt his palm on my cheek, he used my chin to make me look at him, my eyes connected with his, and this was a huge shock to me.

He smiled at me, he fucking smiled at me. I didn't even know what to do, I was so dumbfounded. After six fucking years, six fucking years, he had the guts to smile at me.

A tear fell from my eye, he wiped it off with his finger. "Please don't cry baby, you don't know how hard it was to finally be together with you again". He said and brought his lips down on mine.

I quickly pushed him away, and slapped him. He didn't have the right to kiss me anymore!. How dare he!.

My head started feeling light, I kept on hearing someone calling my name, the voice was getting distant, and soon darkness was all I could see.