
Chapter 4

I don't know what they are hoping to achieve but I do not have an ounce of magic. I know surprising right? But all I know and have been taught is all thanks to Commander Ashwood, daddy dearest. Him and some of the men in the army he commanded, they were what you would call family. I've never actually wondered about my magic, I obviously in the beginning I was. Why was everyone else coming into their magic and why was it taking so long for mine to come around, there were so many times when a little fire magic could've come in handy during one of my jobs but, I took it in stride until eventually I forgot about it. So by now it's set it in stone that I'm going to The Academy. Doesn't mean I have to be happy aboutit. Everything has been organized, tomorrow I'm going to The Academy. If you would've told me 2 decades ago that I was going to an an academy for the gifted, I would've laughed in your face and probably punched you in the face but, here I am . See this doesn't fool me, when I stood in that room with the council, I knew that I didn't have a choice. They brought me back a year earlier, knowing full well it was either that or going to the island. Don't get me wrong, I want to see Oren stopped but honestly? Why does it have to be me? Why should I be the one with an S on my chest? I'm no hero and definitely no martyr, so why wont people understand that I just want peace in my life. No stupid academies, no wars and most definitely no moody Rhys. Not that I've even really has a conversation with him since I arrived. I don't know if it's because I'm mad at him or because I'm afraid. Rhys had been on my mind all these years and now, I cant help but feel like it was all one-sided. So, I get arrested and you decide to go and get hitched to one of the people who a hand in my prosecution? As I turn on the lights to my past, my Winter Court house. I have a house in the Night Court and on Earth, when I was still an assassin, I made a lot of money from my contracts, so I'm not exactly lacking for anything. Although each house has its own memories, this one has a lot of Rhys memories. Atleast I know I wont be seeing him for awhile. Plus, he has Claudette now, I can't be thinking about him and I won't I can't afford to be distracted. Focus on the now and here, like packing my clothes. The Academy will have delivered my things to my dorm by time my classes end for the day. By the time I'm done packing, it's already late and my body is complaining in more than one way. I walk into the bathroom and take a long hot shower. I'm not really sleepy yet, so I make myself a sandwich and read a book but I take seem to focus, my mind keeps drifting back to Axel. It's funny how after Rhys I swore off males altogether, atleast for awhile, until Axel. Things have been different since I met him, Axel is the guy who takes you by surprise, the man you never thought you deserved. He lets me be me, he indulges my crazy personality. He's amazing, sexy and a whole ass man, I just never convinced myself to acknowledge it until now.

I'm woken by the awful sounds of hooting outside, checking the time, it's not even 7am yet and I have to deal with this shit. Why did I even agree to this? That's right, I didn't . I feel like Tris from Divergent, I'm definitely going to die at the end of this book. I get ready and walk out to the car, my driver is a 6'5 wall of muscle and he doesn't look too happy, he moves to open the door but I'm faster, he glares at me as get inside the car but I just shrug it off. Tough crowd. "Names Solana but you can call me Sol," He offers me a blank stare and gives his attention to the road again. A few minutes pass and I'm sick of the suspense already, "This is the part where you tell me your name." He grunts but, continues his silent treatment. "You look like a Gary," Nothing. "Peter? El Diablo? Great Khali?" I swear this man is a statue. A thousand thoughts go through my head as I let out a sigh. Is he being an ass because, I was 30 minutes late? Gosh, if he is, he's just being unreasonable. Maybe it was the door situation? Maybe both. We continue driving until we reach a lake, so this is one those fancy schools. I don't see any buildings around but with the schools reputation I'm guessing, this property is huge. We keep driving until we're at the edge of the lake. I'm about to mention my fear of boats, when we don't stop. The car is going faster now, a lot faster with no intentions of stopping "Uh, 'scuse me Mr. Undertaker? I thought we were going to Falls Academy, not the lost city of Atlantis," No answer. Oh, hell the things we do for love, I knew I shouldn't of done this. Wait, what is that sound? Stars above, the ice is bloody cracking. This man is just sitting there, driving like this car has wings, Oren finally got me. "Shit, you have zero sense of self preservation, do you?" Full on panic attack now "I knew you hated your job," He's as cool as a cucumber. "Why'd you pick today to commit suicide? Huh?!" Ice collapses completely under the car and I pass out.