
Sol Alpha

They say Hallow mountain is the pillar that supports the universe. They say it is the only thing keeping the supernatural world from the realm of the living. I say bullshit! These cowards chose to remain hidden and stagnated. They refuse to grow and explore. Unfortunately for them, Sol is not a man that can be held down by the heavens. With these hands alone I will cover the heavens and for that reason alone, the earth cannot hold me down. I will break the Hallow mountain! I will return to my world again and I will become king again! I am Sol Ark, the sixth finger of the underworld guardian Hall. I am Hell... Follow me on Instagram @riviz_original https://www.instagram.com/riviz_original/?next=%2F Discord: Riviz#4173 Reddit community: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sol_Alpha?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Anti-hero MC 2 Chapters per day stable upload Don't be shy to upload reviews, I would like to know what you think.

3rd_Sin · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Strength of an orc

Since Cecile had up to ten points in stats which allowed him to take a hit of thirteen points of strength and remain mostly uninjured. Sol unfortunately wasn't the same as the powerful blood demon. By the time his body hit a tree and stopped, everyone could see his chest caved in.


Everyone was stunned by what happened and many wished to mock him but now was not the time, the orc was still charging toward the heirs.


A lanky figure stepped ahead of the fallen Cecile with a cold look on his face.


Suddenly vibrations began emitting from Satori's body, spreading wide and far while he performed a strange hand seal and shot forward!



The orc swept its leg forward to plant a kick at Satori just like he did to Sol but strangely its leg only penetrated two meters deep into Satori's vibration field and stopped.

"I am not someone you can hope to go against" Satori's voice was aloof and proud.


He threw his hand forward and a powerful shockwave erupted from his body, knocking the orc back, and stunning everyone. If Sol was present he would be shocked to see someone much weaker than the orc being able to fight against it!

The battle mages of the witch court!

Rare but extremely unique and special in their own ways.


A cold snort resounded around Satori causing him to frown but before he could speak a figure with a perfect build, dressed in just a trouser and a jacket walked out with his hands shoved deep into his pockets.

"Ranga Greyfang, son of the current Greyfang alpha!" Someone screamed in shock.

"Cecile, stay down… this is not a battle meant for leeches," Ranga Greyfang said indifferently as fierce pressure erupted from his body and the vague image of a wolf appeared behind him.

"Hak…" Ranga said those words slowly and confidently as he walked towards the orc with a confident smile on his face.

Upon activation of his Hak, his muscles began bulging as his nails grew into claws and teeth replaced with fangs. His long grey hair grew even longer, looking rougher and giving him a wild look.

"Come… let me see which beast can topple the true guardians of the Hallow mountain!" Ranga bellowed.


His figure shot forward, racing towards the orc without hesitation.


The orc punched forward but Ranga dove forward, rolling and dodging the attack while slashing forward!


Blood splashed as a claw wound could be seen behind the kneecap of the orc forcing it to fall to one knee.


Ranga quickly sprang to his feet and jumped over the orc, landing in front of it with a side flip.




The orc raised its hands to fight but before it could even attack, Ranga had severed the ligaments around his arms, causing them to fall helplessly.



Ranga launched a final attack, leaving a deep claw wound on the throat of the enemy as he turned his back on it and began walking away.


The orc fell to the ground as blood squirted out of its mouth as it kept coughing fiercely while gasping for blood. Many students cheered for Ranga but Ranga wasn't as excited as them.

He looked at his hand where the figure on it still remained thirteen and was yet to be updated. If he had killed the orc it should be updated by now!

His eyes turned cold as he turned but it was too late.


With a single punch, Ranga was sent flying leaving many stunned. The orc remained silent with its eyes surging dangerously with green mist surged out of all the holes in its body, including its wounds.

Berserk mode!

Satori and Cecile frowned deeply as they gazed at the new orc and felt their hearts tighten. If Sol was conscious he would be stunned to see that the enemy's stats had reached the fifteen points threshold.

"The Berserk mode allows it to ignore all its injuries and temporarily boasts its power for a short while… we only need to hold out long enough. No one should make any stupid moves or it may lead to our end" Cecile slowly rose to his feet with a stern look on his face.

Just like him, even the blind Satori was troubled as well. He wore a deep frown but he couldn't retreat. Cecile and Satori slowly began circling the Berserk mode orc from two sides. Their eyes were calm as their power flowed through their body and into their weapons.

Ren: Demon blood claws!

Cecile's eyes surged with killing intent as his blood energy exploded, forming blood around his hands.

Ren: Dao blades!

Satori quickly unsheathed two short swords as his sound magic surged into the blades, causing them to tremble at a very terrifying speed.

While Hak represented the word release, which is simply the caster manifesting his power into the mortal realm. Ren on the other hand stands for flow, allowing one to channel their power through their weapons!

That's why everyone present has mastered some sort of martial art reliant on a compatible weapon except Sol.



Cecile sprang forward alongside Satori as both of them chose to attack the enemy at once. After seeing someone like Ranga get blown away so easily they silently agreed not to take on the enemy alone.


Satori reached the enemy and slashed forward, hoping to see the enemy defend or block but a punch was sent flying away!


Cecile arrived and with his red claws clawing fiercely he slashed at the enemy ruthlessly!



Cecile's eyes squinted in pain as a kick to the face from the enemy sent him spiraling back. With its impressive height and reach, it wasn't shocking it could do that much.


A violent air spread far and wide as the orc who seemed to be preparing to chase after Cecile quickly turned its attention abruptly, directing his killing intent towards the figure rejoining the fight

I would like to say a big thank you to all readers, seeing my work grow is enough motivation already. I would also like to announce I will start working toward producing fan arts for Sol Alpha.

Yes! I know my skills are not all that amazing but I will do the best I can with them.

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