
CLXXXIV: Finding Safety

Taking Wukong's ring, Judith produced a canteen of water which she used to clean out Wukong's face and or wounds. Looking at it up close, it was worse than she initially thought.

The gash on his cheek was much wider, and the slash had gotten his left eye was he was now blind there. And he was bleeding bad from the side of his head near the slashed eye.

Producing a robe from the Ring, Judith tore out a piece, then began to use it to wrap around Wukong's head. Covering his eye and torn cheek.

"Come on." Judith said, pulling Wukong up. She did her best to muster up every strength within her, because at this moment she was exuberantly tired.

Likewise, Wukong did his best to get onto his feet, while trying to stomach the world of pain bearing down on him.

"You should...you should go on without me." Wukong said, fully aware he would be nothing if not a liability now.