
Softness & Darkness Series

She didn't know what love was after finding out her ex-girlfriend decided to cheat on her with someone else. Harley Rayne had no idea when she came across a blonde hair and blue-eye beauty queen that she would fall fast. Falling in love wasn't part of Addy Keith's plan at all. Until her eyes met a brunette with brown eyes that made her jaw hit the floor. She knew she had to stay away from this woman but that seemed impossible. A new romance for the coming of age, let's see where Addy and Harley end up in this new fun filling story.

LesbianJuliet88 · LGBT+
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22 Chs

Chapter 20


After having breakfast with her sister felt awkward she went to the porch that went with the office, she knew Celeste would be strange and bring up their past but in this case all Harley wanted is to be with Addy. No one else belong in her frame of mind except Addy. Sitting there wondering what might be going on with Evangeline and Addy she heard Celeste come in her direction, great, here goes the attempt to lay her once again in the back of Harley's mind. Harley turned around smiling at Celeste as much as she hated faking a smile.

"You think I would leave this place without any footwear. I am just wanting space between us before it got to heated like any argument but thank you for thinking of me." Harley said.

"We're twins, we could leave anywhere without footwear and no one would care especially these Vampires all they would see is pretty feet with pink toe nail polish." Celeste replied smiling back at Harley.

"Will you ever quit hitting on me?" Harley asked.

"Probably not but at least I can still make you smile while doing so." Celeste responded taking Harley's hand in hers then kissing her knuckles.

Harley snatched her hand away feeling this weird sensation that Celeste just sent through her body with just a simple kiss on her knuckles. Than without thinking she saw Celeste walked away and grabbed her hand with a slight tug to get her attention back.

"Stay, please, don't go back inside it is peaceful with you sitting with me and keeping me company." Harley pleaded.

"Harley, I can't, you don't want to have me closer than I am with you as sisters, you have made that clear." Celeste replied walking back inside.

Harley watched Celeste walk back inside as she saw her socks and shoes on the ground but she didn't want to leave her sister in a mess though getting caught in the sheets would be better for them than being alone, damn it, now her mind is wanting this when she isn't. Harley picked up her socks and shoes then went inside herself to find Celeste pacing like a maniac, it worried her of what could happen if she did attempt to make her sister happy this once and not have a care in the world, though she wondered if it would also get her and Celeste kicked out too from the Coven. Harley took a deep breath than walked toward Celeste grabbing her shoulders.

"Stop pacing it is all going to be okay." Harley said looking deep into her sister's eyes.

"Will it ever be okay between us? We can't be together due to some incest law shit. You don't like me that way, you are in love with Addy that you can't see past her. I do realize I was no better than you at one point but Addy has already broken your heart by moving on to Evangeline if Addy wants you back she will come get you. I do not know what else to do and finding someone else for us both is totally out of the equation since no one will give us the time of day. Harley, we have to stick together, we have no choice at this point and I damn sure ain't wanting to go back to New York to see anyone else in that group a bunch of damn drama queens. So, what are we going to do?" Celeste asked after explaining everything.

"Wait, incest is a law here too? even though they are underground and hidden from society practically." Harley responded with her own question.

"Technically as long as we are anywhere in the United States it is a major crime whether underground or not. Since you are risen to be Queen as much as I am their isn't much we can do without being punished and if they find out their next ruler is having sexual consent with her own blood it causes more trauma worse than being raped." Celeste explained.

"This is why we don't do anything to involve this Coven or the United States law, we can be in big trouble and it's not like we can run away because if Addy wants to find me, I need her to have access." Harley sighed shaking her head.

"Harley, I am going to find someone else and you should too. I should have never attempted this with us knowing we aren't teenagers anymore and that we are adults. All I ask is that you visit wherever I may end up because being here with you and knowing your status will be ruined. I love you so much it hurts." Celeste replied removing Harley's arms from her shoulders than went to the bedroom to begin packing.

Harley took a seat on the couch curling her long legs together feeling herself needing to cry, everyone she knew is running from her and knowing that her sister is next to leave is hurting her as well. Harley wanted comfort and no more heartbreak from anyone. Before she could let a tear fall, she heard Celeste come from the bedroom and looking like she wanted to cry too with her suitcase at her side. Harley looked back down at her legs then heard the front door close without looking behind her to see Celeste gone before her eyes.

"Now look what you have done." Abby said.

"Are you ever going to leave us alone?" Harley asked.

"Not until I see either of you, happy. That seems more than a challenge it seems. You are more worried about the law than your sisters feelings and protecting her. Explains why Addy left you from the moment you two saw differences. You are so cramped with how reality is supposed to be that others feelings don't matter. I admit Addy comparing you two didn't help but genuinely she loves you just like Celeste. I am not saying for you to go after either one though I would highly take some time and think about yourself instead." Abby replied.

Harley sat their thinking about it then finally looked to Abby but she left again. Harley now has to fix herself more than ever to get her life straight or at least organized from many heartbreaks and being hurtful to others. Harley got up from the couch from bawling her eyes out for the past thirty minutes and headed toward the porch to grab her socks and shoes to put them on that is when her eyes locked with Addy in the distance staring at her with a look that she is still in love with her. Harley shook her head then rushed to put everything on then locked the office and to go find Celeste. She wasn't in the mood for Addy's game of staring until either one came forward to fix this screwed up mess. Harley did one last check through for anything then left with locking the door behind her and as she went turn around she bumped right into Elizabeth, Lisa's mother, great.

"Where did Madison go?" Elizabeth asked.

"Paris, France to a new Coven that would accept her without her being beheaded here by me and Addy." Harley replied.

"She leaves me here to go to Paris. Wonderful, great, amazing. The woman I have sacrificed everything for ups and leaves me all because she couldn't get enough of you." Elizabeth responded pointing at Harley with her finger shaking.

"I didn't want her though she assumed I did and made me lose the love of my life, trust me, that woman is quack." Harley replied.

"Is that true? She broke you and Addy up? Oh my goodness, I am so sorry for not realizing. Well, I better go find my ex-husband I am sure he misses me. Thanks darling." Elizabeth responded in a hurry than left.

Harley laughed at how gullible Elizabeth could be on anything especially information but that woman's taste is a bothersome, she could do better than Madison and her ex. Harley left the office without bumping into anyone else and made her way out into the city of Virginia Beach to find Celeste which didn't take very long with finding her, holding a sign to hitch a ride and a fake smile that could kill any person looking at her.

"Celeste, what are you doing?" Harley asked.

"Leaving." Celeste responded.

"No one around here is going to take you no matter how gorgeously dressed you are. Let's go back to my loft and spend quality time together." Harley suggested.

"I thought they took the loft away from you since Addy isn't with you?" Celeste questioned with raised eyebrows.

"No, no they actually let me have it until she comes back but they said as long as I have a partner or Addy does it don't matter. And since Addy is still with Evangeline and neither of us wants to be alone. Why not? For old time's sake." Harley replied smirking.

Harley knew getting her sister with small flirting wouldn't hurt and they most definitely needed more bonding time even if it meant going back to her old place where her and Addy shared a few kisses.

"Alright, I will go if it makes you happy. Plus we need to go get some things for the loft since you two destroyed it by baking and then not living there so the food is done expired." Celeste responded.

"Or I can send people out too, I am still future Queen as long as me and her don't leave the Coven. According to Bethany that she didn't marry her Prince until several years down the road, she had freedom until she was ready at least that is what she told me when I spoke with her. So, yeah and as for the sibling thing Bethany admitted to secretly having an affair with both brothers and sisters especially her older sister that once ruled too. Pretty much it isn't a secret in the Coven to be having affairs." Harley replied with a wink.

"How did you get to talk to Bethany? She is hard to reach past certain people." Celeste asked.

"Oh, that she heard about my appointment made with her and made arrangements to meet in a private place. No, we didn't do anything but talk. It just helped seeing in her eyes of the true struggles even same sex couples face." Harley replied holding Celeste hand tugging on her to lets go.

Harley felt Celeste grab her suitcase and followed her all the way back to the loft. As they settled into the loft, Harley called room service to get some food in there like strawberries, chocolate, popcorn, sodas and anything that isn't healthy also bring extra clothes for a months worth if anything especially necessities since the place is bare and to buy a whole bunch of movies of comedy, romance, and anything they think might like to add in addition to the home.

"Do I still have to play your boss or are we just sisters now that are bonding?" Celeste asked.

"Celeste, for once we are bonding without any of that work stuff, I am no Queen today or anything I am just Harley and you are just Celeste." Harley replied.

Harley watch Celeste's face changed from sadness to happiness within a few seconds. It made her finally feel relieved to see her sister smile without anger behind it or being fake about it. Harley didn't have attraction to Celeste like she wanted but she could bond and get them close enough to best friends like they were as teenagers and that is enough for her. Harley went into the bathroom to change into her short pink silk nightgown than put her pink robe over it to cover herself from Celeste seeing any more than she needed too. Harley found Celeste in the blankets already on the couch after she came out of the bathroom with a smile on her face.

"Ready to get this evening going?" Celeste asked.

"Of course, let me get our snacks that room service delivered and we can binge watch for as long as we want. Do you want anything particular to drink?" Harley asked.

"Red wine please, it has been a rough week and relaxing with some alcohol sounds good." Celeste replied.

"I think I will have some too." Harley responded as she went into the kitchen and poured some wine into her pretty pink wine glasses that reminded her of Addy.

Harley made her way into the living room with both wine glasses as she saw her sister look at her with a smile that melted her a little bit. Harley never knew how lucky she felt having a twin that knew everything about her. Being that they are both lesbian made everything seem so easy too when it came to bonding about girls and who they would see a future with. Harley felt at home with Celeste when they could talk about anything and everything. Best part of having a sister isn't feeling ashamed to be close to one another. Harley placed the wine on the coffee table for them both as Celeste reached over the blanket fell revealing she had nothing on underneath. It made her feel so unsure if she wanted to be this close to Celeste seeing that she is naked beside her.

"Pause the movie, sorry I forgot to put my pajamas on, I am so used to being around women who let me at night run around without any clothes on that when I am around you, I am sorry once again...I will be right back." Celeste uncovered herself completely then rushed to the bedroom.

Harley laughed shaking her head at Celeste's rushed sentences and forgetfulness that it makes everything so much better. She grabbed her wine then went to her bedroom opening the door to see Celeste.

"What?" Celeste asked.

"Nothing just wanted to see if you needed help." Harley replied.

"I am good, honest." Celeste responded.

Harley took a sip of her wine still smiling at Celeste.

"You know what the best part about having wine and a dark place to ourselves?" Harley asked with a wink.

"Do I even want to know, Harley." Celeste chuckled.

"You might but finish getting dressed, I am going into the kitchen to get more wine and bring it to the living room. It's helping me relax and I know it will you too." Harley replied as she bounced her way to the kitchen.

Harley poured more wine into her wine glass as she took the bottle with her to the living room and seeing Celeste all pretty in her purple silk mini nightgown that shown her butt a bit making Harley bite her lip.

"You really shouldn't have worn that." Harley said without thinking.

"Oh, Harley, it is fine. Now come on let's enjoy this movie before heading to bed." Celeste replied patting the couch seat next to her.

Harley placed her glass and the wine on the coffee table than sat next to Celeste. Harley hoped the alcohol got over her feelings of being around Celeste because she looked so gorgeous in that nighty. Harley moved closer to Celeste leaning her head on Celeste's shoulder still biting her lip trying so hard not to touch Celeste. Harley felt a hand rest on her thigh and she reached from underneath the blanket and held Celeste's hand. Their hands intertwined as Harley kept biting her bottom lip and feeling herself getting turned on, this wasn't what she expected by spending time with Celeste.

"Celeste?" Harley asked.

"Mhm." Celeste replied.

"What is it like to be in love?" Harley asked again.

"Flutters in your stomach, your heart and mind racing, your hormones reaching levels you never expected. It is unexplainable but it is an amazing feeling." Celeste replied.

Harley sat up still holding onto Celeste hand then looked into her eyes.

"How did you know? How did you know you were in love?" Harley asked.

"You don't. You can feel it in yourself." Celeste replied looking at Harley.

Harley moved back onto Celeste shoulder and watched more of the movie though it wasn't where her attention lie between. Did she really love Addy or did she belongs with the only person who knows her better than anyone? How could she know for sure where her heart lies when she refused Celeste even the closest of touch and Addy for being too close to her as a person? Harley felt lost in herself not knowing which would feel right or wrong at this point.

"Why the questions, sis? Are you having doubts of Addy?" Celeste asked.

"I am having doubts of everything that I know. Addy is my future bride and is supposed to be my whole world. Then came you, my only flesh and blood that actually knows my fears, where I stand, and beyond my whole life." Harley said fighting a tear.

"Don't cry, Harley. You will know who is truly right for you. It may never be me and you belong to the one woman that I also love. We both love her that is no doubt and being in love with each other would possibly freak her out. We don't know much, sis. We can only go day by day." Celeste replied kissing Harley's forehead.

Harley felt warmth with that kiss to her forehead that she just sighed. Harley removed her fingers between Celeste than sat up, looking down at herself covered in blankets and see that Celeste placed her hand on Harley's thigh rubbing it slowly. Harley reached for her wine glass and drank every last bit then poured herself another glass then slowly sipped on that one as she leaned back into the couch.

"Harley, look at me." Celeste said.

Harley didn't she fiddled with the blanket instead of looking at Celeste, she knew looking again they would probably be in a more situation than they are right now.

"I can't. I won't. This isn't right. We shouldn't even be this close." Harley said to herself then directly at Celeste.

"Harley, please look at me." Celeste said again.

Harley finally looked at Celeste and sighed once more.

"Yes? I am looking at you now." Harley replied.

"You can't hide yourself if you love Addy go after her. I can enjoy being by myself once and a great while. Plus, I can find me someone else as I said earlier. We are sisters and twins, doesn't mean we have to be together like a couple." Celeste responded.

"You love me though and so does she. I can't just pick. Celeste you have been my best friend since day one." Harley replied.

Harley moved closer to Celeste than had Celeste put her arm around Harley's waist. Harley looked up at Celeste with sincerity as one last look took her breath away. Harley closed in on the distance, held Celeste face in her hands, and then finally kissed her softly with deep passion their tongues intertwined and Harley climbed on top of Celeste with their hands everywhere that is when she heard a gasp as Harley looked up to see Addy in the doorway.

"Addy, wait, no! Don't leave!" Harley yelled.

Harley jumped off of Celeste, fixing herself than ran after Addy.

Happily Ever After 2 will be coming later in 2021 or 2022 depending on how many projects I have going on.

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