
Softness & Darkness Series

She didn't know what love was after finding out her ex-girlfriend decided to cheat on her with someone else. Harley Rayne had no idea when she came across a blonde hair and blue-eye beauty queen that she would fall fast. Falling in love wasn't part of Addy Keith's plan at all. Until her eyes met a brunette with brown eyes that made her jaw hit the floor. She knew she had to stay away from this woman but that seemed impossible. A new romance for the coming of age, let's see where Addy and Harley end up in this new fun filling story.

LesbianJuliet88 · LGBT+
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22 Chs

Chapter 12


Harley couldn't believe Addy actually wanted to date her despite Celeste hurting her but she did just learn that the reason her sister has been the way she is because she lost her wife and their true parents not their adopted mom Reba. Technically to her Reba is just another human that ended up crossing the wrong paths. Harley seeing her blonde hair beauty is in front of her and becoming hers within a couple of years once their used to each other.

"I have liked you from the start as well, I do wish I could turn back time and make sure it is me that had kept you from the pain of my sister instead of finding out what she did months later but on the plus side it is now close to six months since you came to New York and found new friends with a meaning of life behind it." Harley said.

"Than consider this our special day as a meaning when we first finally made ourselves known as a pair. I can't wait to go out on a date with you when it is schedule but just know I am not willing to have sex right away. I have had enough of being hurt by it and feeling the way people use me for it." Addy replied.

"You have my word, we will not cross that boundary until you are ready." Harley responded with hope in her eyes.

"Good, now let's chow down so that way I can go see my parents and we find out about your past also the rules about this place that we will someday own." Addy replied smiling from ear to ear.

"Yes, boss lady." Harley laughed.

Harley watched Addy laugh while shaking her head it made an interesting morning for them both and seeing Addy happy go lucky made it all the better. Harley did know that Addy won't stick around to often after leaving her once already because she had no way for them to go outside of this place after coming down from New York and that was the last of her and Celeste's money. Harley looked over at the phone in the house going off startling them both from breakfast. Harley went to answer it but Addy grabbed the one in the kitchen as Harley went to the one in the living room. Taking a deep breath, Addy whispered from the bathroom saying it's Celeste and Sasha, great, just great. Picking the phone up.

"Hey sis, what have I told you about calling around eight in the morning." Harley complained.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Harley, we have a major issue and both, you and Addy need to be downstairs as soon as possible, it is urgent. Addy won't have time for her parents today unfortunately if she was in a better mood that is." Celeste explained on the other end. "Get dressed and be down here in an hour."

"On our way, sis. See you soon." Harley replied hanging up as did Addy.

Harley and Addy just looked at each other knowing they only got an hour to prepare for whatever is going on, Addy had a panicked look on her face that isn't a good sign.

"Harley, I don't want to go. I want to stay put or go see my parents or have them come here. I can't do this today, no! I don't want too." Addy said through threatening tears.

"Addy, it shouldn't last long whatever it is. We will see them, I will make that promise that we make it over to them." Harley explained keeping calm for them both.

"We can only hope." Addy responded placing her cup and plate in the sink then making her way to the bedroom to shower.

Harley shook her head knowing this day is about to turn from good to a nightmare again. Knowing when Addy didn't get her way or at least stuck to plans she would have a fit an she needed therapy something fierce to get it under control. Harley knew when her parents left her it didn't end well with her especially Addy's dad Cameron who possibly had to balance everything in between for them all to be happy. Harley had no idea what to do to settle everything and Celeste wasn't helping the ordeal for today. Harley heard Addy get out of the shower as she bolted into clean herself before leaving in thirty minutes and she wasn't good on being timed to be ready. Luckily for her putting on simple jeans and t-shirts seem to be her thing while Addy had to be dressed like a princess in her long gown with black heels and pantyhose. Harley never understood the concept but she liked Addy for who she is not the clothing she wore.

"I am ready, how about you?" Harley asked.

"As ready as I am going to be, sorry for being mad but I just want to see my parents badly and get started on therapy but let's see what Celeste needs." Addy responded.

Harley left her hand out for Addy as Addy placed hers in with Harley's. Harley felt comfort with Addy's in hers as she kissed it gently and they left the loft together, locking it behind them. Making their way downstairs to see that everyone is waiting for them, Harley felt Addy began to shake in her own hand as she squeezed it gently letting her know it will be okay. The whole crowd clapped seeing them together and holding hands, both of them nodded and smile to those that would look directly at them both. This is their new home it seems but neither are prepared for what is to be moving forward. Harley saw Celeste with Sasha in the distance with an impatient look also annoyance, great, they were in trouble for being a few minutes late but it's not like they knew prior before leaving last night. Harley took a long deep breath as she prepared for her sister to be on her ass for being late this is not the way to enjoy a beautiful morning.

"I know you two aren't on the best of terms but when I say to be on time, I mean it." Celeste said through anger.

"Sis, I love you but getting mad isn't going to solve anything. We are new here also don't know the rules, so enlightened us before going down our throats on a schedule that we didn't know, that we needed to be on." Harley replied with a smile.

"Fine, you are right. Rules are simple: Everyone is you're slave including Sasha and I. If anyone denies either of you than we are to behead them without questioning. Goths and Vampires are access twenty-four seven within reason. You have to be up by five in the morning to begin you're process as Queen's there is no getting out of it. Working within the community is a high requirement and making sure everyone does their part. Other than that, welcome home to you're new world beneath the earth." Celeste responded smiling.

"Do we have to attend weddings, engagements, new babies, and so forth?" Addy asked nervously.

"As Queen's, yes you do. Since you two aren't married quite yet for the title than you aren't needing to attend anything not unless you want to." Celeste explained.

"Can we go see her parent's please? She really needs too and be set up with a therapist around here if at all possible." Harley asked.

"Of course, we don't have a therapist down here but you can set one up in the human world since you both are still human. As for her parents, they are expecting her for dinner tonight at five, so don't worry she will see them." Celeste replied.

"See sweetheart told you everything would work out." Harley said looking at Addy.

"That is a blessing, I was definitely concerned that I wouldn't have time to see them due to whatever it is going on here." Addy replied.

"Here, we are getting ready for a big feeding with our Goths but other than that you two can go do whatever just needed to make sure you knew the rules and be up by five tomorrow so that way you're body adjusts without any trouble. Harley, you two need to discuss you're wedding because you two are expected to be tying the knot in a couple of months whether you two know each other or not this is our guideline. I would prefer you two on happy terms and not squabbling if you know what I mean. Other than that, have a good day, I am going to get my feeding, I am starved." Celeste responded to Addy and Harley with a big toothy grin.

Harley and Addy laughed but then looked at each other seriously. A couple of months to be down the aisle, oh no, not what they had planned. Harley had no idea what to expect once they heard that from Celeste this isn't what is scheduled for them, they needed a couple of years of dating before heading down the aisle this isn't by anyway normal. Harley saw Addy fighting anger with this news on a rush to be rushed into a wedding that neither are prepared for.

"What are we to do, Harley? I am not ready to get married in a few months, we made an agreement for a couple of years. I can't do that not after Lisa tried to force me too. Harley, we have to change this law somehow because we just can't walk down the aisle and be brides because they want us too." Addy said with pleading eyes.

"We will fix this, Addy just stay calm if we can be calm and collected than we can change anything. We will change this whole thing because I don't want to marry right away myself especially when I know things are going to change for all I know is that you are straight and got led into a lesbian queen's scenario but I will not think of the worst at this point." Harley replied quickly looking down at Addy, her eyes are so beautiful and her lips look so soft to kiss.

"That you will not know, I don't know anything about you besides you having a crappy sister and a place I wish to be away from but my parents are here so I am staying put. I don't know who I can trust here and this place is too big for my liking. I want to be in our apartment downtown with hopes it is small and easy to maintain." Addy responded tightening her hands together.

"Look at it this way, we will be able to stay human and not turn into Vampire's due to their guidelines. We can be ourselves. Ugh, this crowd noise is annoying, let's go back upstairs and enjoy some quiet time." Harley replied complaining of the noise.

Harley felt Addy grab her hand as they rushed back upstairs to their loft. Harley's mind went to her imagination of them kissing in that loft with deep passion that their minds and hands had no control of where they went then ended up in the bedroom under the covers and giggling, it made Harley smile when she saw Addy looking at her strange. Harley sighed knowing they won't kiss again like they did in New York.

"What is the matter, Harley? You look sad." Addy asked.

"Oh, um, just remembering my childhood back home is all." Harley replied.

Seeing the loft as they left it made her feel safe to show some feelings but lying to Addy of her feelings seems more easier because admitted to wanting to kiss her again seemed far fetched at this point though it had been a few weeks since that happened when she hid behind a wall from her sister to keep from beating her over Addy. Harley placed a smile on her face seeing how concerned Addy is and she guided them to the couch to cuddle at least it is a comfort for them both. Harley saw excitement on Addy's face as she noticed a sparkle in her eyes of happiness.

"Kiss me." Addy said.

"What?" Harley asked.

"I said kiss me." Addy replied.

"Why?" Harley asked again.

"For the love of God, Harley just kiss me." Addy replied.

"No, I can't, not with the promise I made you." Harley responded.

Harley felt Addy grab her face as their lips crashed and then Addy released.

"Now, kiss me properly or I will keep doing that until you do." Addy said.

Harley took a big gulp unsure of what she is supposed to do, she gently traced Addy's hair to move it out of the way then lightly brought her face forward as she placed her lips softly on Addy's. Harley heard Addy moan like a pleasure as she guided Harley's hand to her breasts it made her startled a moment this wasn't what she expected out of Addy. Harley pushed herself away from Addy getting off the couch and taking a step away. Yes, she wanted Addy badly, she did but not this way.

"What? Do you not want to kiss me anymore?" Addy said with a sad face.

"No, you were moving too fast, I am not ready to lay with you yet. I am sure you are raging in hormones as much as I am but I want to take this slow." Harley explained.

"Oh, I am sorry Harley, I will go then." Addy responded grabbing her purse from the counter and left without another word.

Harley couldn't make sense of Addy. They agreed to not rushing anything but now she is wanting to lay with her two days into being together. Harley couldn't place this whole thing and it confused her. Harley knew they had to work out so she went after her just to find her standing in the doorway with a smile.

"You honestly think I would leave when we are fixing to own this whole place. No, I don't care if we have sex but I wanted to see how you would handle if I did leave and our life became hell. Harley, you are remarkable for everything I put you through. I don't need therapy and I can't wait to see my parents this evening. I am happy and enjoying every moment with you." Addy said calmly with a smile.

"You are so frustrating but so beautiful to stay away from." Harley replied.

"I am sorry I have a habit of testing everyone before knowing the commitment standards. I am not able to understand why you keep coming back no matter what I do but I am so happy to have you in my line of sight for a future together." Addy responded smiling.

Harley picked her up by the waist and twirled her around then kissed her with passion that she couldn't resist Addy anymore, she craved her lips to hers and as she finally placed her down.

"Addy, I don't care how much you test me, I am yours and I will not leave your side. I will take every test you give me to prove my love to you." Harley said.

"You love me?" Addy asked.

"What makes you think I don't or wouldn't? I have been in love with you since we met whether you knew it or not." Harley replied.

"Wow, you are just like Celeste, she told me the same thing that she has been in love with me since she met me but I did love Celeste with all my heart but when she began hurting me proved otherwise that she isn't to be trusted. Harley, I know you aren't her but I am not ready to say those words yet at least until I know for sure. I do love kissing you though and have since that night when you hid behind that wall." Addy responded smiling.

"I am still trying to understand why you came back to kiss me and left?" Harley asked.

"Celeste found out my attraction to you would've pissed her off. So, I did a quick run to you and left my mark on you to know that I felt the same." Addy replied.

Harley kissed her passionately again as she heard a moan escape out of Addy's lips once more it made her shiver hearing that sweet moan escape each time but she didn't want to have their first making love in their loft where everyone can hear and that she needed them far away from here. Harley released Addy from their kiss with breaths caught as Harley stepped back guiding Addy to the kitchen.

"How about we make our first date cooking? We both love to cook and that is a great combination." Harley said grinning.

"Sounds good to me, what are we going to make?" Addy asked.

"Anything, everything just have fun." Harley replied still smiling.

"Simple enough." Addy responded grabbing eggs from the fridge.

Harley questioned her with the eggs than she grabbed the flour from the pantry it made her smile, oh this is going to get messy.

"Pancakes, Lasagna, and anything else with these two would make a good mix." Harley suggested.

"Oh yeah, for sure babe. I have a better idea." Addy replied smirking at Harley.

Harley saw Addy grab an egg out of the carton as she opened the flour grabbing a handful. Harley smiled knowing that this is going to be fun and messy but they also have someone else who can clean it instead of them. After an hour of throwing eggs, flour, water and anything else they could find they were both laughing so hard that they found Celeste glaring at them.

"Very mature for our Queen's to play with food and destroying a kitchen." Celeste said in disgust.

Addy threw an egg at Celeste that she had left over.

"Get over yourself, Celeste. We are just having fun." Harley replied laughing.

"I am glad you two had fun but it is time for you two to be prepared to go to dinner with Addy's parents since they are expecting you." Celeste demanded.

"Are you some type of director or something that have to control our time together? We aren't ready to leave let alone dressed properly for dinner." Harley replied standing face to face with her sister.

"I am you're schedule provider since you two are going to rule, I have to make sure you do everything on schedule and as planned." Celeste responded glaring at Harley.

Harley pulled Addy off the floor then guiding her to the bedroom than slammed their bedroom door as they pretended to make moaning sounds to piss off Celeste.

"You have an hour and a half to be ready." Celeste demanded.

They pretended to keep moaning until they heard their loft room got slammed shut once that happened they both busted a gut, it is hard not to laugh when you are having fun.