
A powerful spark

An: Hey Hey Hey!!!! We are back! I finished university for the next 5 months, so I have a ton of free time to write again. I only have one exam on the 17th, so if I cannot post daily from today until then, you know why. But I hope you enjoy this chapter and look forward to daily releases starting today. Love you all, and leave a comment telling me what you think; I'm excited to get a move on with the story! plug out!


"You have 10 seconds to bring forth your last Pokémon, or you automatically forfeit the match!" the referee shouted, startling Harry awake. His eyes were hazy with despair, unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel, a tunnel now blocked by the unmovable boulder that was Scizor.

Even with the encouraging words of the audience at his back, he found no strength present. It had all dissipated after repeated failure. He no longer had the will to fight. But his brother's face continued to flicker in his mind, causing a guilty surge of unwillingness to come forth.

Accompanying it was the incessant shaking of a specific Pokeball, one he had never intended to use so early on. It was meant for the elite four or champion. Yet, seemingly capable of reading his emotions, it shook stronger and stronger, stirring furiously.

He looked at his little brother, who, unlike the crowd, only silently stared at him, simply mouthing a particular word he would never forget. A word only the brothers knew, for the repercussions of the actions that followed usually ended very badly.

"But… maybe this time is different?" he mumbled, turning to look at Scizor, who continued to glare at him coldly. Heat began to surge from that Pokeball tucked deeply within his pocket. A similar heat emerged from his chest, burning brightly as steam started to come off his body.

"This is our final resort; to be pushed to this point as a Rashtal descendant is deplorable. But only in this way can I stand a chance." His words, although self depreciating, were powerful, causing even Rex's face to harden slightly; he could tell at a glance that the person before him was completely different from a moment ago.

This was aura, but also different.


(There seems to be a link between him and his Pokémon, the chart peaked the moment the light originating from his chest appeared. Based on your memories of this world, this could be similar to the bond phenomenon, but I am unsure of the specifics.)

"Interesting. Scizor ready up."

Scizor also caught wind of the change; he had been exposed to aura since he came into contact with Rex and Machop. He squinted slightly, a flicker of expectation emerging.

Harry closed his eyes as they began to glow a fiery orange, "sage of the fiery path, walker of the meadow, treading on cloud, only when our might is most needed do we heed the call." His voice became ethereal, mighty but humble, as if unaffected by the world.

The ball in Harry's pocket glowed golden before slowly floating beside its owner, "Go!" he yelled.


Instantly, the ball shot forward, causing several sonic booms to explode out. Scizor couldn't even react before he shot backwards, smashed by what seemed to be the weight of several dozen tonnes. His body collided with the forcefield in less than a second, causing a cloud of dust to rise and sparks to fly in his wake.

A new Pokémon stood at the centre, shrouded in white mist, with a staff in its hand. like a light house, a burning fire flared atop its head with unbridled rage, an Infernape. The scrutinising gaze of 200,000 people instantly fell upon its body, yet its gaze was locked on the cloud of dust before it.

"My-my-my, you were hiding quite the surprise…" the same whisper, now a thunderous crackle like lightning, landed beside Harry and Infrnape's ears. Through the fading smoke, Rex stood, unfazed by the sudden attack. In front of him, a pair of piercing blue eyes lit up again, and Scizor walked out unharmed.

{I didn't think I would see the illusive Rashtal tribe appear here; even less have the chance to watch them battle. For those of you who don't know, the Rashtal tribe is a native tribe from the Sinnoh region; they are the ones who provide professor Rowan with Chimchars for new trainers.

Their lineage spans to long before the advent of trainers that we currently live in. Masters of fire and fighting, they have forged a monstrous bond with their Infernapes through centuries of cooperation.} Elesa's words resounded in the silent stadium, fascination and surprise evident in her tone.

Rex arched a brow with interest, 'Gaia, find them.'

(On it… found them. They're in the centre of a massive maze of mountains and ravines, it's almost impossible to go by foot, and it's too cold for most Pokémon to fly over the icy mountains. Population… 2000...)

'Small tribe, I guess it's hard to stay so devoted to tradition and stay hidden simultaneously in an age of technology.

[highly likely, based on other known tribes on this planet, their traditions are most likely strict, if you leave, you may never return, never speak of the secrets of the tribe or be hunted down. Never reveal the location of the tribe or suffer the same fate, ect…]

Rex understood, it was consistent with the research he had read on the topic of tribes early on during his time with professor oak.

He looked at Harry again, "for you to come out, must be a special occasion."

Harry opened his eyes to respond, and a subtle pressure instantly fell upon Rex, "that is right, we have come in search of enlightenment. We are seeking even greater power, that of a lega-"

"Scizor, water scythe, GO!" Rex shouted impatiently. Immediately after his words dropped, a beam of blue light collided with Infernape before a second blast exploded, blasting the ape straight into the wall, deafening the audience and drowning out the rest of Harry's words.

'Crazy bastard!' He thought exasperatedly, 'where does he think he is? Must have been in that village for too long; the country bumpkin doesn't understand the graveness of his words.' Rex cursed inwardly.

(Better to finish this quickly.) Gaia suggested.


"Infernape, galefuse!" Harry commanded.

"Scizor, double team into thunder scythe!" Rex countered.

Dozens of scizors surged into the sky like locusts, surrounding the motionless Infernape, whose staff began to spin with increasing speed. Revolving around his body like a shield as it picked up a torrential wind to accompany it.

Like rain, the scissors nosedived towards their target, like a furious drummer, constant thunderous bangs echoed into the sky. The hair on the audience's body began to stand up from the sheer amount of static electricity now permeating the entire stadium.

As the smoke cleared, the same current of shredding wind blew back the audience's gasps of surprise. Like a whistle, the electricity's high pitch now merged with air shield.

"It's time, Infernape," Harry said calmly, his hand rising slowly.


As if fireworks had been ignited by the mere snap of his fingers, a fuse was lit, and a spark flickered from the epicentre before exploding outwards like a nuclear blast. Infernape swung his staff around him with even more strength as a wave of fire splashed out towards Scizor.


An: I want to mention, I will be posting every day between 9pm-12am AEDT. This is so you can know when to expect new chapters to come out. Hope this helps a bit! peace.

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