
Soaring Phoenix

You jinx it's all your fault, said Cynthia. What are you up to this time? Linda asked feeling confused and annoyed. Cynthia became increasingly infuriated, 'how dare you call my name? It's all your fault that anyone who is involved with you gets in trouble. Previously you seduced our teacher and threw yourself into his arms, now you have used dirty tricks to harm Robb. Just as she tugged on Linda to deal with her, she accidentally pulled off Linda's bracelet which restricts the strong spiritual power she was born with and boom the power of the Phoenix erupted and threw Cynthia onto the wall.....

alexchimezirim123 · History
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57 Chs

Have Emerald Become Her Father's Pride?

 At minister Robert's mansion, Emerald sat with her father at the table discussing on the turns their lives had taken. 

Father, I'm so happy with my appointment. I can finally get what I want and bring glory to our family. 

Her father smiled and said "I remember when I visited you at the academy, you told me that you will be the phoenix and be my pride, but now you have to face the reality". You are not the phoenix, he stated.

With a sigh Emerald replied "luckily I am not the phoenix". That phoenix rebelled and colluded with the demons and harmed the human world. Now the court has already...

Her father immediately raised his hand to stop her from continuing.

I have been an official for many years. You can tell others these words but this diplomacy doesn't work on me, he told her.

Father, what do you mean? 

But he didn't reply his facial expression showed that her response had disappointed him, he had a huge scowl on his face.

Of course I wouldn't tell others these words, she continued. That's because you are my father and I am telling the truth. 

She watched her father's expression to see if it would improve but it didn't.

Last time at the academy, I was attacked. That is the evidence that Linda colluded with the demons, she told him but his expression still remained sour.

Of course he wouldn't believe that, he knew who Linda was. She was once a maid of his mansion, although she was involved in some unfortunate incidents, he knew it wasn't what made Linda such a bad person.

Forget it then! Emerald said. Let's end the conversation here because no matter how much I say you won't believe me.

It was then that he looked up and said "it's been a long time since we last saw each other, let's not talk about this".

We've already talked about this, Emerald fired back.

But her father just laughed it off. 

Emerald, you are my only daughter, no matter what you do, you are my only pride.

Really? She asked. 


But what? She urged him

But I have seen many intrigues and schemes, I'm tired and have requested to retire this morning. His majesty has approved it.

Emerald became shocked and gasped.

I'm old and am no longer an official, I'm free. I plan to go back to my hometown and can't always protect you anymore. But you won't be needing it. Emerald, remember my words, ones obsession is the biggest demon.

He waited for her to reply but she kept adamant. She knew what he said counteracts what she was recently doing. 

I'm here to ask you one last time, will you abandon all this and go back with me to my hometown?

But yet she gave no response and her father got the response from her silence and sighed in regret while standing up.

Alright, I should go, he said and left.

 Outside, Cynthia saw her father as he was leaving and called him father only in her mind.

Minister! She greeted and bowed her head.

He just paused for a while and nodded at her before leaving. Cynthia faced him and kowtowed to him, knowing this might be the last time she will see him. She was the most beloved of her father before her arrogance ruined her family life. 

 Outside their home at the between land, Stanley stayed alone testing his spiritual power if it has returned to the level that he could use it to visit the heavenly realm but instead he saw a vision where he and Linda fought and they both stabbed each other and Linda was the one who died from the encounter.

How come? He asked himself and immediately stopped using his spiritual power. 

He ran back into the house to see Linda. He came in looking frustrated.

What happened? Linda asked.

I tried using my spiritual power but it seems it hasn't recovered yet, Stanley replied.

Then stop using it, stop trying.

Let me think about it, I can save you.

Alright alright stop it, come and take a rest now.

But Stanley stood still for a while looking into her eyes and a thought flashed into his mind. He remembered when Linda told him about the herbs that could cure any diseases.

Wait for me am coming, he said and dashed out. 

 In the heavenly realm, Alice was reciting the rules bounding the immortals and other realms of existence, it was an add on punishment by the heavenly emperor so she would know not to cross the line when having anything to do with the other realms of existence.

One, no changing a mortal's fate. Two, no barging into the demon realm. Three, have nothing to do with the demons, she continued on and on.

 After reciting these, she remembered how close she had been with the demon lord. She knew this particular rule would always be broken by her.

No no why am I distracted? She asked herself after withdrawing her thoughts. She patted her face to concentrate and continued reciting.

 In the demon realm, Mark was tied with chains to a pillar inside a huge cage, it's obvious he had suffered as he had drowsy and weak eyes and a bent neck. The demon lord came into the cage with his assistant to see if he had changed his mind to do what he wanted. 

I advice you to tell us where the phoenix is to lessen your suffering, the assistant said.

Phoenix? Phoenix! Mark belted out. As for where the phoenix is, I really don't remember, Mark replied and burst out laughing. 

The demon was infuriated but he controlled his fury in order not to spoil his plan of interrogation. He brought out a blue bottle from his pocket, as he opened it, a blue insect came out and flew onto Mark's body and immediately he started feeling itchy. It crawled into his clothes and gave him more itchy bites.

Hahaha! Mark laughed once more. I thought the supreme lord of the demon realm was super powerful, this is all you can do? What a joke! Mark bellowed. I feel super comfortable, he said looking at the demon lord without any sign of giving up.

Let me tell you this is ice leech, it's every bite sucks your blood from head to toe and gives off an itchy and cold feeling just like the one from the North ocean. You will turn into an ice sculpture within a few hours, the assistant revealed.

This information instantly shocked Mark. He looked at his arms and saw they were already having frosts, his eyes immediately opened wide.