
Soaring Phoenix

You jinx it's all your fault, said Cynthia. What are you up to this time? Linda asked feeling confused and annoyed. Cynthia became increasingly infuriated, 'how dare you call my name? It's all your fault that anyone who is involved with you gets in trouble. Previously you seduced our teacher and threw yourself into his arms, now you have used dirty tricks to harm Robb. Just as she tugged on Linda to deal with her, she accidentally pulled off Linda's bracelet which restricts the strong spiritual power she was born with and boom the power of the Phoenix erupted and threw Cynthia onto the wall.....

alexchimezirim123 · History
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59 Chs

Final Moments (2)

 After Stanley and Linda had finished their meals, they went for a walk at the river side of the between land. The water reflected pink colours due to it's reflection of the trees that had pink leaves around it. Some areas of the river bank had flowers with white petals and green grass. It was without doubt the most beautiful place in the between land. They held hands and chatted as they enjoyed the evening breeze.

 It's so beautiful here. On my birthday, having a walk here with you in the breeze is so sweet. Have you caught prawns before? Linda asked Stanley. It's very fun. See!

Linda ran towards a shell she saw on the ground and picked it up. I 

Look what I found, a conch.

What are conchies doing here? Stanley asked her. 

It seems there used to be a sea here but who would have thought that it dried up, now only this conch is left here to keep the memories of those days, Linda speculated. Eh! I heard that if you put it to your ear, you will hear the sound of the sea.

Stanley examined the conch for a while before putting it against his ear.

Why am I only hearing the sound of the wind? Stanley asked and removed it from his ear.

You have to listen to it with your eyes closed and your heart. Try it again.

Stanley did as told and closed his eyes for a while.

Dumb guy! Dumb guy! I want to be with you forever.

Stanley opened his eyes when he heard the voice from a bit father from where he stood. It turned out Linda teleported farther away as he closed his eyes to tell him her wish.

Did you hear me? Linda asked with a loud voice.

Yes, I heard you, he replied with a loud voice too. 

Then he went to meet up with her and they both strolled to a tree shed where there is a swing under it, they sat there appreciating the environment and enjoying each other's company.

Linda do you have any other wishes? Stanley asked.

Mmmm..., Linda thought for a while and said "I wish the time is going to stop at this particular moment forever".

Stanley looked up and using his vital energy, he stopped the setting of the sun and every living thing around that moved was stopped too. Linda appreciated the beauty of what she saw and felt extreme happiness. Suddenly after a while, Stanley used his vital energy and sneakingly made her to drowse into a deep sleep. He immediately held her as she wanted to fall off the swing and kept her in place. Then he started sobbing, tears fell from his eyes uncontrollably.

I'm s..o...rry, he said as he sobbed.

As he stood up, everything began moving again as usual and the sun immediately set, soon it was already dark. He brought out his blue flame sword, pointed it's edge at Linda and sobbed harder and moans could be heard. Everywhere was quiet, not even the sound of insects nor tree leaves, the winds seized. Only the erie sound like a stroked sword could be heard. He closed his eyes so he could harden his heart and immediately he opened it, he used his vital energy and sent the sword flying straight at Linda. 

Boom! There was an explosion and vital energy spread out across the area like the sea after hitting a rock. The force pushed Stanley away as he wasn't expecting it and his strike with the sword didn't have a strong spiritual power.

He looked up after the explosive effects had died down and saw Mark.

So everything the demon said was true? I always thought you were protecting Linda, I never knew you wanted to kill her! Mark bellowed.

Mark's thought flashed back to the time the demon lord showed him the past of the phoenix; Cyrus took Mark to see the purple rose and used his vital energy to bring up the past of the phoenix from it so it be a visual display. He was shocked with what he saw. He couldn't believe it when he saw the last battle in the past, where Stanley killed Linda. That time she was just a new born phoenix, her powers were little as it was the first time her phoenix blood was stimulated. 

No! Impossible! This isn't true! What is this? He asked pointing at the purple rose.

That's right! This is a fragment of the phoenix soul and also it's heart, it has been protected by us the demons in secret for thousands of years, waiting for the day the phoenix awakens, Cyrus explained. Everyone thinks we want to kill the phoenix. Infact they are wrong. Since ancient times, the phoenix has been the spiritual leader of the demons, what we have to do is to protect her bloodline, let her achieve nirvana and lead us to break into the heavenly court.

Mark's eyes were wide open in bewilderment.

So everything you did was for the phoenix's awakening?

Of course. The one who wants to kill the phoenix is the heavenly realm. Since we are protecting the phoenix, whoever wants to kill her is our enemy. The first one is Stanley.

I don't believe it! Mark said.

Cyrus walked closer to Mark and said "by the time you believe it, it will be too late". Every second which Linda and Stanley are together is dangerous. So, where is the phoenix?!

 Back to the present, after hearing what Mark said he knew about him and Linda, Stanley knew there was nothing to hide anymore.

This is between me and Linda. I don't want to hurt the innocent, I advice you to stay out of it.

It's not up to you whether I'm in or not, Mark replied and rushed straight at Stanley and a fight ensued. Mark attacked continuously while Stanley just kept being in the defensive. Spiritual energy engulfed the whole place as two different vital energies collided.

Boom! Boom! Dust and sand kept rising into the air from the collision and leaves kept falling off trees. It was a fight between immortals, therefore, it's effects will be devastating to the human world.

Stanley kept on defending until he saw the perfect timing and hit him off the attack. Mark fell to the ground holding his chest. Stanley didn't hit him with enough force to kill him cause he didn't want to.

As Mark got up from the ground, Linda woke up from her slumber.

Eh! Mark! She rushed to him and helped him up.

What are you both doing? She asked in confusion.