
Soaring Phoenix

You jinx it's all your fault, said Cynthia. What are you up to this time? Linda asked feeling confused and annoyed. Cynthia became increasingly infuriated, 'how dare you call my name? It's all your fault that anyone who is involved with you gets in trouble. Previously you seduced our teacher and threw yourself into his arms, now you have used dirty tricks to harm Robb. Just as she tugged on Linda to deal with her, she accidentally pulled off Linda's bracelet which restricts the strong spiritual power she was born with and boom the power of the Phoenix erupted and threw Cynthia onto the wall.....

alexchimezirim123 · History
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59 Chs

Adlin Tries To Represent Adu

Adu walked up to his father and greeted him.

Greetings father, he said and bowed while using his sword to support his stance.

His father looked at him for a while and nodded without speaking. Adu went to sit at his father's left hand side shaking terribly. His pretence will never fool his father.

Mezhou city is in chaos again, luoyang has sent a big army this time. According to the imperial edict, commander Adu is going to join in leading some troops to settle Mezhou, do you know about it? General Sima asked Adu.

Adu coughed once more and stood up from his seat. He bent slightly, placing a hand on his stomach.

I know, he replied. But... Kpohoo kpohoo, I practiced with some soldiers yesterday at the camp, and now I might have caught some cold, he explained.

So, you are sick again?

Adu didn't reply but slowly sat down like an extremely sick patient. His father looked at him, smiling in his mind.


Yes master, the butler answered immediately, bowing his head.

Did young master go to the camp yesterday?

This... Ehm...

Kpohoo kpohoo, ugh, kpohoo kpohoo! Adu coughed more intently, trying to stop the butler from speaking. 

General Sima definitely knew it was fishy. He got up from his sit, his intimidating presence wouldn't let the butler take any sides but the truth.

Tell me the truth, general Sima said calmly.

This time, Adu coughed more and more intently that he didn't know he had overplayed it. He even tried to initiate vomiting.

Master, young master didn't go out last morning, at noon he ate at the restaurant with his friends. From afternoon till evening....

Father! Adu immediately knelt down.

Shut up! His father shouted, pointing at him. Where did young master stay from afternoon till evening? He asked more seriously now.

From afternoon till evening, the young master stayed at the brothel, the butler spurted out.

You prodigal son! General Sima became extremely annoyed. He rushed towards Adu to beat him but his wife blocked his path holding his hands and begged him to spare Adu. 

Don't be angry, Adu is immature. I will teach him, Mrs Sima said.

Hmm! Teach him? He asked. All these years I've been fighting wars everywhere, you should pay more attention at home. Teach him teach him! Looks at him, how did you teach him? A loving mother's son is always a loser.

Whip! Bang! Bang! Bang! Whip! Came the sound of sword fighting outside, interrupting the meeting.

What's that sound outside? General Sima asked.

A maid immediately rushed in and reported;

Master, it's lady Adlin.

What's she doing? He asked.

She's having a sword fight with Cyrus.

Why does she do this now? Adu asked and got up. 

General Sima glanced at all of them and dashed outside.

Hmm! He mocked Sima when he passed in front of him on his way outside.

Look at you! Mrs Sima said while pointing at his face and they all followed General Sima outside.

 Adlin and Cyrus kept exchanging sword strikes intently that they didn't notice general Sima was watching. Their strength matched each other as they displayed their different martial arts techniques.

Adlin has made so much progress from the last time I saw her use the sword. And Cyrus, I didn't expect him to be good too, general Sima complimented the both of them.

Yes of course, Adu said. Cyrus is always quiet and introverted, all he cares about is Adlin. Then he snorted. 

That is called loyalty! General Sima lectured him.

Yes father, Adu replied.

Cyrus was brought into the mansion from the refugees by Adlin, master took him in, fed him and clothed him. He also helped him study and learn martial arts. Of course it is normal for him to be grateful, Mrs Sima lectured her son more.

It's rare, general Sima added a compliment.

 They kept on watching the sword fight and gasped in amazement when either of would display an amazing attack the other would defend effortlessly. Just soon enough they stopped the fight as no one would win and bowed to each other.

That's great! General Sima said and came closer as others in the mansion followed. That was when they realized they have been watched.

They both bowed and greeted general Sima.

Adlin what are you doing?

Hmmm, father how are my skills? Any suggestions? Adlin asked.

Just when he was thinking of what to say, Adu cut in.

Amazing, very amazing. I think you and Cyrus had practiced this skills very well that you are now very familiar with them.

Adu, do you mean my skills are just very common? Adlin asked.

That's not what I meant. Mother did I say so? Adu asked Mrs Sima. Sister I'm praising you, he said smiling awkwardly. 

Don't think I don't understand what you mean, Adlin sneered.

Adu also sneered.

You always show off in front of father, he said but Mrs Sima tapped his hand, signaling him to stop.

Adlin, you suddenly asked me to see your skills. What are you up to? General Sima asked Adlin.

Cyrus and Adlin rotated their eyes awkwardly thinking if the general would agree to their request.

Father, I want to go on the expedition at Mezhou city with you, Adlin said.

Our country never asks women to go to the battlefield, general Sima replied.

Why can't women go to the battlefield? Adlin asked as she became a little bit annoyed. Since I was young you taught me military tactics and fighting skills. You left me in the military camp to train with you. Don't you want me to be a heroine?

Training in the military campus different from killing enemies in the battlefield, it's no child's play! General Sima said seriously.

I am not joking, Adlin spurted out. I am willing to represent my brother in the expedition.

Hahaha! Adu rolled his eyes and laughed. You want to represent me? I am the commander assigned by the royal court. Why do you represent me?

So you mean you want to go on the expedition with father? Adlin asked him

I... di.. do...mother! The words stuck in Adu's throat as he tried to reply and he looked at his mother for assistance.

Hehe, I think what Adlin said makes sense. You've been teaching her military skills since little and she's learned a lot from you, Mrs Sima said. She goes to the military camp all the time, dressed as a boy, no one could tell. If she can go on an expedition with you, it will be the military credit of our Sima family. And you won't worry about the imperial edict.

Nonsense! Is it a joke on the battlefield? Total nonsense! General Sima firmly refused and walked away follow by his wife and others who were in the mansion.

 Adu walked up to Adlin and sneered at her, she immediately swung her sword at him. He fled, running after his father and calling his name.

 At night, Adlin was studying military books with the candle light in her room. Cyrus brought some fruits for her after a while to eat. Immediately she saw him, she remembered something.

Cyrus, you said that boys and girls were the same and that I am better than my brother. But when it comes to critical moments, you don't do as you say. Then you tell me, which part does a boy get better than a girl?

Hmm, I don't know, he replied. But I think you are better than all the men in this world. As for the other women, not necessarily.

Why? She asked.

Because they are so annoying and they don't look good.

Cyrus! Adlin called his name playfully and he smiled.