
Soaring Phoenix

You jinx it's all your fault, said Cynthia. What are you up to this time? Linda asked feeling confused and annoyed. Cynthia became increasingly infuriated, 'how dare you call my name? It's all your fault that anyone who is involved with you gets in trouble. Previously you seduced our teacher and threw yourself into his arms, now you have used dirty tricks to harm Robb. Just as she tugged on Linda to deal with her, she accidentally pulled off Linda's bracelet which restricts the strong spiritual power she was born with and boom the power of the Phoenix erupted and threw Cynthia onto the wall.....

alexchimezirim123 · History
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59 Chs

7. Linda's Arranged Marriage.

 The next day, Linda went home to visit her mother and little brother. As she was at home, her mother reminded her of the marriage she arranged for her earlier. Mom, I've told you I don't want to get married. But I have taken the betrothal gifts and used to pay for your brother's schooling, her mother narrated. Just tell them I'm already engaged and we will pay back every penny of their betrothal gifts.

 Soon, some people came to their home, they were servants of the family where Linda's mom wants her to get married into. Greetings madam, they greeted Linda's mom. Our master said he hopes you keep your promise now that your daughter is back. Go and tell him not to worry, that I will keep my promise, she assured them. 

 The family where she is to be married into is a business family. The groom is a boy who is somehow sickly, but his situation started growing worse when the marriage between him and Linda where arranged. So they had to hasten up the marriage process. 

 I'm order to keep her promise, Linda's mom went to their home to sign the marriage contract. Even she wanted the marriage to hold quickly so that she could see if her daughter's fate of bad luck will be changed. Unknowingly to them, Linda's bad luck was really affecting the groom as his condition continued getting worse as the marriage inched closer.

 After the marriage contract was signed, the marriage date was immediately fixed for the next day. And immediately Linda's mom went home, the groomed started vomiting blood.

 That same day, Linda ran to school to look for how she could cancel the marriage. She approached Robb, our engagement still counts right? Please Robb, my mom arranged a marriage for me and I don't want to be married like that. Please Robb, she begged. Robb just stood there confused, his head buzzing for the fact that everyone has known that he and Linda knew each other and were even related in the past.

 All of a sudden, she was turned around and a sharp slap was struck across her face. She looked up only to see Cynthia looking at her like a tiger. She almost cried. Linda! How dare you try to seduce Robb? You have seduced our teacher and now you want to have Robb in your class too? Let me teach you lowly maid a lesson today! She charged forward to slap her again but was stopped by Robb. It's okay Cynthia, let her be. She became furious that Robb was protecting Linda and walked away with a scowling face.

 This made Linda the talk of the academy, her name was on everyone's mouth. She just walked away dejectedly and went to her teacher's living quarters and knelt down calling his name. Teacher! Teacher! He opened the door and saw her. Linda what happened. Then she explained, my mother arranged a marriage for me but I don't want to get married. And the person I'm to marry is a sick person, please teacher help me. But he told her "there is nothing I can do, that's your fate I can't change it, you should face it. He immediately closed the door and went to sit down.

 When Linda left, he started feeling painful on his chest, then those visions started coming again. He didn't know why but it was as if he was being affected by Linda's marriage. 

 Linda went back home, and refused to eat. Her mother consoled her saying, it could be a good thing if this marriage changes your fate just cheer up. The next day they got news that the groom had died. Linda felt relieved. But soon servants of the groom's family came and took Linda away saying that she was already the groom's wife since they had accepted the betrothal gifts and fixed a date for the marriage. Which meant she must accompany him to the grave!

 On the day of the burial ceremony, Linda was dressed in a wedding robe and put in a carriage following behind the groom's coffin. On the way, she thought for a while and just remembered something her grandfather told her in the past.

 The bracelet on her wrist was given to her by her grandfather when her powers were uncontrollable. At that time she always burned things at will by merely getting angry and when her mother would question her she would say she didn't burn it knowingly. I only got angry and it caught fire, I didn't set it on fire. Liar! Her mother would say and hit her with a cane, then lock her up in a room where she stayed and cried. But one day, her grandfather came and opened the door of the room where she was locked and told her not to cry. Grandpa, I told Mom I didn't set anything on fire but she doesn't believe me. I believe you, he told her. Really? She asked. Yes, he affirmed. Then he brought out a bracelet and put it on her wrist, telling her to make sure it was always on her, never to remove it and she nodded. It's alright now, your mother won't lock you up anymore. She hugged her grandpa happily.

 But one day, an edict came from the emperor. It is accertained that the nation is experiencing drought because the heavens are angry at it for harbouring a witch by name Linda. The witch Linda is to be sacrificed in order to appease the gods of the land, order given by the emperor. We shall obey! The whole family chorused.

 That same night, her grandfather together with her mother and father tried to escape with her to another land. Everything has been well arranged, but as they were about to leave, a servant came and said that Royal guards have blocked the gate of the mansion. They hastened up to follow a secret back gate to leave. But immediately they came out, they were surrounded by soldiers and were sent back to the mansion. The next day, when she was being taken away, her grandfather took away the bracelet and whispered into her ears" Linda, when the time comes make sure you get seriously angry. Do not hold back. He then hugged her. Her mother just stayed at the side crying. She asked her grandfather "grandfather what did I do wrong?" My beautiful Linda didn't do anything wrong, those people are all bad people! He replied. Then she was taken away.

 She was taken to an altar where sacrifices were normally made to the gods. They tied her to a huge stake with huge chains and everyone was shouting, Witch! Witch! Burn her! Burn her! Things were also thrown at her while they waited for noon so the sacrifice could be carried out. Her grandfather and mother just looked on helplessly with sad faces. 

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