
Soaring Phoenix

You jinx it's all your fault, said Cynthia. What are you up to this time? Linda asked feeling confused and annoyed. Cynthia became increasingly infuriated, 'how dare you call my name? It's all your fault that anyone who is involved with you gets in trouble. Previously you seduced our teacher and threw yourself into his arms, now you have used dirty tricks to harm Robb. Just as she tugged on Linda to deal with her, she accidentally pulled off Linda's bracelet which restricts the strong spiritual power she was born with and boom the power of the Phoenix erupted and threw Cynthia onto the wall.....

alexchimezirim123 · History
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58 Chs

13.Covering The Phoenix Scent

 So long as you cultivate seriously, you can use your spiritual power freely. Then he gave her a cultivation manual to use in her practice.

 In the fox clan, a woman came to visit Zina's brother, the prince of the fox clan. And they related intimately. She is one of the special forces of the demon lord. It's been thousands of years since you haven't come to me, but you still smell fresh, he said. Awwwn, she responded as they kissed. You haven't changed a bit, she told him. I want you to help me look for somebody. He stopped kissing her and said "I'm not looking for any man. She replied "just check for me if any strange man and woman entered the devil clan. Is he your lover who ran away with another woman? He asked. Who else if not you is my lover? She asked back. Is that the only clue about them? He asked again. And she replied "the man is an immortal while the girl is somehow a mortal. Okay then, that depends on your performance, he said as they got intimate again.

 Linda tried the teleportation techniques she hadn't been able to learn for long and immediately you was able to do it, she felt very excited and started teleporting to different places until she found herself in the middle of the market of the devil clan. The devil's saw her and were admiring her beauty and thinking about taking her home. Pretty where are you going? How about me taking you home? One of them asked. Then he made to grab her by the arm but a hand stopped him and pushed him backwards. She looked up and saw her teacher. Then he wanted to leave with her but the devils blocked their paths. Hey boy! It seems you like her too. How about we fight and the winner can take her away? They asked. Yes! Fight! Fight! They all chorused. And a devil made his move first and the the others joined him. Stanley blocked their attacks with his vital energy, he coughed and almost spat out blood, because he hadn't finished recovering. He held on though and used his vital energy to knock them down. They tried to attack again but Mark appeared and beat them all. How dare you touch my people? He asked angrily. Now get lost, he roared. They cursed in their hearts and fled. Are you alright? He asked them. We are fine, they answered. Then he took them to his wolf howling cave. While all this was going on, a spy from the fox clan was watching all this and then went to report his findings. 

 Mark sat them down and offered them tea. Teacher are you alright? Linda asked but he refused to answer. Are you angry? I wasn't slacking off, I just went out after practicing. What slacking off? It's obvious he is jealous, Mark said. I can't believe a high immortal is jealous with some bunch of small devils. Linda banged her hand on the table and said "stop it". He immediately stopped. Then Stanley said "you think too much". I know you won't admit it, Mark replied. Anyways I got one rival of love for Linda. Stanley immediately replied "that's the phoenix scent". When devils like you perceive it, you can't help but get enchanted. It's not your fault although. Even if it's the phoenix scent, it's still part of her charm, I am not like anyone else who doesn't want to admit it, Mark replied. But not only you, it will also attract those from the demon realm here and that will mean trouble, Stanley immediately said firmly. Right! Gasped Mark. Why haven't I thought of that? So what are we going to do? We need the heart of a beauty and the throat bone of a sea devil, then inject spiritual power into it and make it into an elixir. Ok I will go and get the items ready, Mark said. A hundred of each one, Stanley spurted out. What?! Mark exclaimed. A hundred? How am I to get them? It's okay if one or two pieces each but a hundred? That's impossible to get. You are in charge of getting those items, Stanley replied. Mark thought for a while and said "except there is only one way". You can find all this things in only one place in the demon realm. 

 In the fox clan a spy came in and whispered things to the prince, he nodded and got up.

 Mark took Linda and Stanley to a treasure house, this is the only place where those items for covering the phoenix scent will be gotten. Are you sure there is no problem with Linda's phoenix scent? Stanley asked. If course, I used enough spices. It covers the wolf stink let alone the phoenix scent. One thing too about the treasure house is, it keeps the identity of every buyer secret, that's why everyone puts on a mask. So let's go and be quick, the spices won't last for long, Mark said. Okay, Stanley agreed. They put on their masks quickly and went in, taking the front row seats. 

 A while later after they were seated, Zina came in with her brother and sat down at the back row. Mark perceived Zina's perfume and knew she must be around, so he turned and saw her with her brother. Why are they here? He asked himself. Zina's brother recognized him immediately and smiled to himself. Why are we here? Zina asked her brother. We are here just for fun. You know where there are many people gathered, there must be a show to watch, her brother said.

 Their attention was soon taken by a woman who came down from the top of the building and slowly perched the ground. She is the owner of this treasure house, Mark Introduced. She danced and played some music for sometime.

 Hello my honoured guests let's begin immediately. The first item was sold quickly and some devils were left in their original form as spiritual power was used for the bidding. Those interested will keep on bidding years of spiritual power till they couldn't bid anymore and the last bidder wins. The amount of spiritual power they both bid will be collected from both of them before the item will be given to the winner.

 The second item came up which was exactly what Mark and his cohorts wants. Mark was to do the bidding. 100 years of spiritual power! Mark shouted. 200 years of spiritual power! Zina's brother shouted too. Mark was annoyed, he continued and so did Zina's brother. 300 years! 400 years! 500years! 600years! They raged on till Zina's brother bid 3000 years, Mark started getting confused if he should continue, he then directly removed his mask and faced him. You stinking fox, fight me head on if you dare and stop playing games! 


Sorry for the late release today, my Saturdays are usually tight.

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