
Soaring as a Monster Bird in my Next Life!

Aven, a High Magus of the Iron Cent Empire finds himself on the business end of a weapon forbidden by the gods and the will of the world itself. Once he comes to, Aven realizes that he has been reincarnated as a bird type monster... He lost the vast majority of his stats but... He retained all of his skills and titles, even gaining a few new ones. How will Aven proceed in his future, fight against the Empire? Live out in peace?

Dark_Shurikens · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Solaria Appears

Ralond let out a light sigh and stopped his steed from attempting to pull the carriage. Donath opened the back sheets of the carriage and stepped out. There were five pregnant women clearly towards the end of their pregnancy. One was so large that even an idiot would have been able to tell she was having twins. Seeing this Denro also moved to the back and lent a hand, helping the woman into the carriage along with Donath. 

"Thank you, thank you so much." The woman pregnant with twins said, practically gasping for breath. 

"Pay it no mind. We're all going to the same place. And we have plenty of room." Denro's wife smiled, then started up a light conversation with the other women as they climbed up. 

Soon the carriage was quite full. Donath and Denro managed to fit themselves in by holding onto the frame. They both sighed and then looked at each other only to chuckle at each other's reactions. And then the cart began moving forward again, just as easily as before. Even though there were more people aboard. 

Outside the gate the people walked all the way to where the first forward camp had originally been located. However, it was no longer populated with guards. There in the center perched upon a well, was Acialia. She just watched as the people arrived. While she waited there Vitaliana had been making trips between the forward location and the city, making sure to keep in contact through telepathy. 

"Oh? So let someone with a carriage through?" Acialia giggled slightly. 

"Yes, we had a few women, all but collapsed and unable to walk anymore. So when I saw the carriage I made use of it instead of punishing them. They should be arriving soon." Vitaliana answered, a little nervous. 

"Does this carriage happen to have a Nagath Core somewhere on it? I can feel its grimey presence coming closer. It's sickening." Acialia asked, not thinking much about it. 

"Yes, it was the core… Of a monster I killed when I was a human boy in my last life. The man who carries it now was one of the few who helped with the clean up after that monster." Vitaliana answered, hesitantly but honestly. 

"I see, then I won't cause them problems. It seems it was the right call too. They took in several others who needed help getting here. Admirable." Acialia said. "Uh, hold on… I feel something… How is the evacuation going sister?" She added, as her feathers ruffled slightly. Trembling with anticipation. 

There was a moment where the telepathy went silent. All the sisters aside from Vitaliana had a similar feeling to the one Acialia had. 

What are they being quiet for? I don't feel anything off right now… 

"Elder Sister, we're all okay. The city is completely locked down. And the citizens can't escape. But that feeling…" Flairiana answered after the long pause. 

"Sisters… What's wrong? You all went silent at once." Vitaliana asked, slowly landing next to Acialia. 

"Well, you wouldn't know her yet. But, you are about to meet Mother's Mother, in human terms, she is our Grandmother. And she, unlike Mother, is not a lesser Phoenix. But a real Phoenix." Aieria answered, also landing in the forward base, though she was perching herself atop a sturdy building. 

"Sisters! I'm coming too! I want to see Grandmother again. The humans that had taken this path have all left the city already." Fulgiana said, and started to fly up.

"Don't forget to make the few buildings near the exit dedicated holy spots just in case some were a little slow." Acialia ordered. 

"It's done already, eldest sister. On my way to you now." Fulgiana said, entering a high speed flight sending a small shockwave out around her. 

Soon all six sisters had gathered. 5 were instinctively eager to see their grandmother. While Vitaliana had other reasons to be excited, all to say she was having a hard time staying still. 

A beautiful woman appeared out of a crack in space right there in the front of Acialia and Vitaliana. She looked quite similar to their mother, though her features seemed more elegant and refined, powerful and yet calm. However, upon seeing her, even though it was the first time meeting… Vitaliana could see it, the pain in her soul was glaringly obvious. Yet she held a warm and inviting look on her face. Of course as a phoenix has appeared, all other birds, no, winged creatures monster or otherwise would bow in their direction. This action seemed to break the ice so to speak…

"Acialia… And you girls… You're really all that survived?" Solaria asked, attempting her best to hold back the well-spring of emotions she had. She was about to blow and the world would soon see the wrath of a god-like being. "This little one here though… She must have been born recently…" She added, holding out her hand to welcome Vitaliana to come closer. 

"Grandmother, we didn't survive. We were indeed killed by the human's sneaky, unprovoked and cowardly attack. If not for Mother being a Lesser Phoenix, our lives would have ended there. It was her who revived us after the fact." Acialia answered, as Vitaliana was trembling with nervousness and excitement. "This new little Sister is Vitaliana. She hatched out of her egg several hours ago. She is smart and absolutely adorable." She added, chirping as she spoke the words. 

"Oh, you've been praised by your Elder Sister already? Hmm, you're a reincarnated human… I see, so that's what mother meant… Come here and nuzzle me a little. I may be a little scary to you but there's no need to worry little darling, I don't bite." Solaria said, closing the distance with a slightly flushed look on her face. "I promise I'll only indulge in your cuteness. Nothing that would ruffle your feathers." She added, face to face Vitaliana. 

"It's just I never had a mother before… Or Grandmother… Let alone a Phoenix in the family…" Vitaliana said, shaking nervously. 

Solaria reached out quickly and wrapped her hands around Vitaliana gently but firmly and started rubbing her face all over. 

"Ah, Grandmother…" Vitaliana chirped, quivering. 

"Ah don't be nervous, little cutie. Even if you still have some of those rotten human blood on you, it's fine. Grandmother will go and burn them all." Solaria giggled joyfully.