
Chapter 91

#Chapter 91


Horror frames their faces and I have to breathe more air to get through this.

/"What do you mean by that?/" Yasmine asks while fidgeting with her hands. Ivan sits silent. His blue eyes are watching me with interest.

/"Michael sends me money every month from whatever deal he signs. Like a thank-you gift. Yesterday he transferred ten thousand dollars into my account and I went to retrieve them. On my way, I felt someone was watching me. But I shook off the feeling because I'm a woman and everywhere I go men are watching us./"

My throat grows thick and I can feel it swelling. This is so much harder than I thought.

/"I forgot my phone in my office and you know how I work on it more than my laptop. I went inside to get it when.../"

Abort this fucking conversation. My brain yelled at me.

/"A man entered the office and he...um... he pinned me to the wall and demanded that I give him money./"