
Handling business

Migeru was able to track the magical trail into the forest underneath a huge tree. It looked ancient with all the vines and rotten pieces of bark that could be easily pulled off.

With moonlight piercing through the leaves made it look even more magical than it already was. Speaking of magic, there was faint magical power coming from the tree. Migeru was taken by the tree's magnificence, just by him standing underneath it made him feel supercharged. Like the magic within him feels more potent than usual. This experience gave inspiration for a spell he'd been working on, he reached out to touch the trunk but Shaya grabbed his hand.

"I don't think you want to touch the tree unless you wanna become its new fertilizer" Shaya shaking her

"That depends, is it a Dryad?" Migeru smiled mischievously

"So you already know about these things. So you know not to touch this tree RiGHt" Shaya asked looking him deep in the eyes

Migeru looked at the tree then turned towards Shaya, "Okay now hear me out" he answered

"Are you fucking serious right now?. That thing will suck you dry since you have a ridiculous amount of magical power you will die...very slowly" Shaya stresses

"Death by snu snu" Migeru said

"What does that even mean!!!!!?" Shaya screamed

"I mean that bark looking extra curvy not gonna lie" Migeru rubbing his hands

"Are you thinking about fucking the tree" Shaya looking at him disgusted

"I'm joking, I'm joking partially" Migeru laughing it off

Shaya already finished with the conversation walked ahead. Before chasing after her, Migeru took one last look at the tree and he saw something looking back at him. He took a step towards it.

"Migeru get your ass over here" Shaya yelled at him

He stopped in his tracks and headed towards Shaya. The thing in the shadow of the tree seemed to fade away.

"What were you doing back there. Please tell me that you weren't trying fuck the tree again" Shaya sounding extremely tired

"Technically I won't be fucking the tree, I would be fucking the tree spirit so there's a different" Migeru pointed out

"Semantics" Shaya scoffed

"How is that semantics" Migeru annoyed

"We're getting sidetracked okay. Let's just track down these bandits and get back my bracelet" Shaya changing the topic

"I'm weird because I want to smash a tree spirit well okay then" Migeru mumbled to himself. He had tracked the magical power to this spot, the rest of the magic seemed to dissipate towards the north. He thought to himself that they probably walked the rest of the way. This wasn't a bad idea because you'll need someone with some sort of tracking skill to get to them from this point.

He stoops down and touched the ground then sent a surge of magical energy throughout the area. Thanks to the magical energy he was able to tell that some people were just in the area not too long ago. He stood back up and let out a loud sigh.

"So where are they?" Shaya asked

"Well a group of people was in this area not too long ago, It could be a group of monsters or adventurers" Migeru walked

"Damn it!!" Shaya shouted

"Don't get pissed off yet. I may have something to help us" Migeru smiled. He cast a spell that allowed him to see heat signatures. He focused all of the signatures heading towards the north. It took him a while before he could track them down but he was able to. He came upon an old mansion in the middle of the forest, from the forest he saw guards patrolling,

"Well your bracelet is down there hopefully," Migeru said

"How are we getting past all those guards," Shaya asked

"Oh I have a spell I wanted to try out" Migeru smiled, "Hyper Magic: Re run" A huge magical clock appeared above them then disappeared. The guards just stood there frozen in place.

Shaya looked down waiting for the spell to take effect but nothing else happen, she was surprised nothing else happen.

"You just stopped time then well this your more tame spells" Shaya smiled

"I sent them into a time loop which resets their brains every time it starts. Leaving them in an endless loop of whatever happened priory to them." Migeru said

"That seems a little extra don't you think," Shaya said

"Don't worry about it once rain or a bird touches them, they will be released from whatever loop they were in" Migeru explained

"You have no control of their loop, isn't that a little risky?" Shaya asked

"I see what you mean but it wouldn't matter anyway," Migeru said, "Let's get down there"

They walked down there while talking about the spell. They got to the door which was bigger than it looked from far away.

"How are you going to get my bracelet back?" Shaya asked

"What you mean how I'm going to get it back" Migeru loading a shotgun," And before you say it's my fault for losing it. How am I supposed to know that we were going to get robbed I can't see the future...yet. So you're going to get it back and I'm going to watch your back"

Migeru finished loading his weapon and looked ready for action

"Don't you have better weapons than that?" Shaya asked

"Yeah that would be overkill" Migeru answered, "Are you gonna knock

Shaya smiled the blasted the door open with fire magic blowing through the back wall. Some of the bandits were taken out in the explosion, she walked with grace and beauty. The rest of the bandits were awestruck before Rico came screaming at his men to start attacking. Migeru rolled from behind her and started blasting the approaching the bandits

"I'm sorry she has an appointment with your boss but you play with me for a bit," Migeru said

Shaya notices the bracelet on Rico's wrist. The bracelet was crimson with black lines. Rico drew his blade and lunged at her, Shaya effortlessly dodged all his attacks.

"Let's make this easier on you okay. Just give me back my bracelet and all the treasure you have as compensation I'll let you live" Shaya offered while dodging his swings

Rico started moving quicker with his attacks which accomplished nothing because unfazed by the speed. He jumped back and used water magic sending water bullets that could burst steel. Shaya rolled her eyes and evaporated the water mid-flight.

Beneath her feet, a blue magical appeared trapping her in a ball of water. Rico felt like finally beat her.

"What happen to that cocky attitude" Rico laughed

The trap exploded and Shaya looked like she wasn't even underwater.

"What did you say, I couldn't hear you underneath the water" Shaya said

Rico pulled out an orb from his back pocket and broke it. He teleported in front of Shaya and swung at her neck. The blade melted as soon as it touched her neck, Rico looked at his blade in horror. Shaya exhaled in disappointment snapped her fingers incinerated him with a blast of fire. Not even his bone was left, Shaya turned around and saw Migeru finishing up with the bandits.

He swept the legs from under him then slapped another on with the butt of the gun. Migeru shot one running towards and the one he swept earlier, he started walking towards Shaya. Another bandit came running towards him so he kicked him in the chest sending him flying. On his way to Shaya, he shot him in the head popping it like a balloon filled with red food colouring.

"I'm guessing that we're finished here," Migeru said

Shaya picked up the bracelet on the burned floor and hold it close to her chest.

"Yeah we're done here" she answered

Shaya and Migeru ransacked the entire Mansion taking all the stolen treasure. Migeru noticed a door to the side on the ground floor when he opened the door Migeru there were young girls huddled up together. He let them out and they seemed as if they were missing a soul. There were no signs of life in their eyes.

They were clothed in cloth and had many scars on their bodies. Migeru knew what was going on hear. He'd almost gone outside and killed all those guys in their time loop. Migeru healed them and gave them a note.

"Where I'm sending you just give them that note. Hyper Magic: Warp gate" Migeru cast teleporting them.

Once everything was settled he put all the stuff they took in spacial storage. The both of them headed outside and headed towards the road to continue their journey.

Sorry for posting this late

I wasn't too well but I'm feeling better now

Thanks for reading I appreciate it

Taku999creators' thoughts