
So Pure

She craves love He craves body She fear him He lusts for her She is naive, clumsy and Innocent He is ruthless, cruel and cold hearted She is a human He is a werewolf She is Amelia Rocca He is Silvester knight. Hope you guys like it, don't forget to vote and comment.

mikera · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

"Plea....se leave me alpha" I sobbed continuously but this only made him held me tight.

He opened his room and threw me on his bed angrily. I was shivering badly feeling like my heart will come out any second.

He walked towards the bathroom and the sound of running water was the only thing I heard.

He came out , threw me on his shoulder and carried me to the bathroom.

"Stop staring me , start cleaning me and you will also do my laundry" he shouted angrily.

He removed his shirt and trouser , now he was left only with his boxers. My cheeks started heating up at seeing him in his glory.

His abs, muscles and veins were popping out of his body.He sat inside the tub and I could see  that remains of spaggeti on him.

"You better start doing your task or I can do that task on you" I jerked hearing him and immediately started doing my work.

I took the shampoo and started applying it on his hair. OMG his hair is so silky .I massage a bit and then rinse it.

Then I started soaping him. With my shivering hands I started rubbing his chest .He was continuously staring at me .His piercing eyes never leaving a single movement. This made me self cautious. I was totaly leaning over him, one slip and I'll be on him.

The hair on his chest were tickling my little fingers. I was hesitating to touch his abs.

Suddenly he caught my hand and started roaming it on his abs.

"You better clean me good or you will face the punishment " he growled leaving my hand.

My heartbeats were fast, I never had such a close physical contact with anyone.This is all new to me.

Oh God , his abs are so hard like steel and muscular . Then I went towards his shoulder and started massaging it.

I stood up after cleaning him .

"Where do you think You are going , come here" he ordered me .

I went towards him only to be pulled into the water. I slipped over him and drenched myself.

He grabbed me tightly and settled me between his thigh . My heart skyrocketed at this. His  lips were brushing my neck and his breath was tickling my earlobe.

"This time I am leaving you unharmed but next time you will be punished" he growled near my earlobe, stood up, wrapped the towel and went out.

I kept crying because of all the humiliation I faced today. After sometime I got up and went to my room drenched. I was changing my clothes when suddenly Kelly barged into my room with anger. She raised her hand and slapped me twice. I winced due to the sudden pain. Teardrops started pouring from my eyes.

"Humans, like you don't deserve to live, how dare you insult him" she shouted throwing things in my room.

"Bu... t, I didn't do it intentionally" I stammered holding my bruised cheek.

"Now, you have guts to talk back to me, I will make sure in future, you will get worse punishment" she growled and stomped out of my room.

My cheeks turned red and got bruised. It was really hurting. I stopped crying and went to my small bed. Hugging my quilt I tried to sleep but those grey eyes were chasing me all night.

Amelia slept that night crying unaware of the pair of eyes that were preying on her outside the window.