
So Pure, So Flirtatious

Yang Ming is an underachiever in high school. Unmotivated, he skips class to shoot pool, cheats on his exams and gets into fights. However, by an act of goodwill and fate, he obtains some high-tech contact lenses that give him superpowers. Together with his gangster street-smarts and ruthless fighting skills, it doesn't take long for him dramatically change his life for the better. As his journey unfolds, he battles against society's big guns and attempts to bring justice into an unjust world. Along the way, he has many interesting and romantic encounters with the ladies who are charmed by his shameless flirting. How will he use his superpowers? Will he be able to overcome evil and bring justice to the world? Who will he choose to be with at the end? -------------------- Chat with us on Discord https://discord.gg/xvjj4dA Chat about other Exodus Tales novels at https://discord.gg/7X4BGdc Check out our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/GT.SPSF If you want to support us even more, check out our Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/SPSF Character List: http://gravitytales.com/page/so-pure-so-flirtatious/character%20list

Fishman The Second · Urban
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1621 Chs

Acquiring Dekang Real Estate

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

"That can work too. After school starts, I will move to the main campus. It will be more convenient to get in contact in the future," said Wang Xiaoyan.

As she spoke, Yang Ming's phone rang. It was Bao Sanli's call.

"Hello, how is it? Do you have the result?" Yang Ming picked up the phone and asked hurriedly.

"En, the preliminary assessment results have come out. Dekang Real Estate and its property companies have a total market capitalization of about two hundred million yuan, but they still owe more than one hundred million yuan in loans to the bank. The specific figures are still unclear. I am still asking people to get the information," said Bao Sanli.

"In other words, the real value of Dekang Real Estate is only tens of millions of yuan?" Yang Ming asked after listening. Whether this price was more or less, it had little to do with him. However, he needed to clarify how much it was so that he could quote a price to Wei Jin.