
So, I Become A Side Villain Now?

A mercenary soldier from the future with the code Dark Saber is eager to retire soon. However, a dimensional crack disaster occurs on Earth, forcing him to fight against creatures from other dimensions. Despite Earth achieving victory, Dark Saber perishes in the battle. However, later he awakens in a strange place. "Wait, I know this place! It's..." ... He woke up in a game he hadn't played in a long time. And what's worse is, he possesses the body of an insignificant villain who is destined to die as the protagonist's stepping stone.

Gryphinne · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Favorite Skill, Unsealed

Now, I'm in the backyard garden of the dormitory building. The lighting here is quite good, illuminating the night with garden lights around. Even though it's late, there are still a few people passing through the garden. And in the middle of the garden, there's a large multifunctional grassy field.

A few minutes ago, I just finished a luxurious dinner 'date' in the dining room with Mia. Her cooking was very delicious, and I enjoyed it. However, the 'date' atmosphere was very awkward.

Now, being full, I'm avoiding physical exercise for a while. I don't know if I'll get a stomach ache when I'm still full. But for now, I want to try something else besides physical exercise. It should be time for me to activate that skill.

'Anetta, are you there?'

(Yes, Master!)

'Have you finished recovering my past skills?'

(Yes, Master! I managed to recover your skills. However, due to the decreased quality of your Arkium from the body transfer, some skills are sealed.)

'Hmmm. Then, my main skill, I think it's a high-level skill. I hope you managed to prevent it from being sealed.'

(Your skill, Quantumorph Artisan, has been recovered by sacrificing some of your other skills. However, please note, your Quantumorph Artisan is not yet on par with when you were the Dark Saber.)

'You're amazing, Anetta! That's enough. I can improve it gradually.'

Quantumorph Artisan is the ability to control nano-materials that can form various shapes, including clothing, weapons, and other equipment. I can create nano-materials that can form various textures. The process involves melting a sample down to the nano or subatomic scale. Then, the Arkium core and Anetta will break it down further into information. After obtaining the information and properties, Quantumorph Artisan will duplicate the material components and shape and manipulate them. This is my original skill.

The limitation of this skill is that it cannot break down and create organic materials that have living cells. I can only use metal, rubber, plastic, and similar materials. There is an exception for using organic materials, such as bones, ivory, horns, or parts of animals or monsters that do not have living cells.

I often use Quantumorph Artisan for armor, clothing, and weapons. Besides forming armor, clothing, and weapons, Quantumorph Artisan can detail and form nanoscale electronic components. I can create advanced devices, detailed circuits, and other electronic components with high precision. My brain alone would not be able to digest and process such complex information. Especially later when I start adapting to Mana. Therefore, I need Anetta to assist me.

Given my current level, I can't create complex weaponry. For now, maybe I can only create clothing and melee weapons. For armor, I might only be able to make a chest plate, not full body armor.

What I need now is a metal sample to be absorbed into my body. I have already taken one knife and fork from my dorm room. For spoons and forks, I took five. Three spoons and two forks.

'I hope Mia forgives me for losing her cutlery.'

I gripped all six tightly. Orange Arkium particles emanated from my hand, partially enveloping the spoon and fork in my hand. The particles bent the knife, spoon, and fork, squeezing them wildly. Then, when the shapes of the six were compressed, the Arkium particles in my palm went even wilder. Quickly, my palm closed into a fist.

When I opened my palm, the spoon and fork had melted. Their material broke down to a subatomic scale smaller than metal atoms and entered my Arkium core to be broken down further into information.

(Material samples detected: 1 silver spoon, 2 stainless steel spoons, 1 stainless steel fork, 1 titanium fork, 1 titanite steel knife blade, and 1 knife handle made from Frostback Behemoth ivory have been added.)

Hearing and seeing the information conveyed by Anetta, I frowned slightly.

'Hm? Titanite steel knife blade and handle made from Frostback Behemoth ivory?'

Unlike sphene on Earth, titanite steel is a strong material with a level just below mithril. So, using it for a knife blade seems overkill. Such a blade is enough to cut through the skin of a B-class threat monster. And the handle material itself is made from the ivory of an A-class monster, Mammuthotherium Glaciensis or Frostback Behemoth.

Frostback Behemoth is a monster resembling a mammoth with a head armor like Pachycephalosaurus, partial body armor on its back and legs like Ankylosaurus, and its trunk has several hard layers. This monster lives in cold, snowy places.

"To think that a kitchen knife uses such rare materials, Edward is very extravagant. Even though it's something Edward bought at an auction because it looked nice with a simple design, I should apologize to Mia. Fortunately, Mia used it skillfully without hurting herself. Even though there are still other knives, I should replace the knife with a new one of good normal material later." I murmured.

You could say I'm quite lucky to get good material for Quantumorph Artisan.

'Let's give it a try. I'm confident in my Arkium quality, I can manifest a small weapon.'

My first experiment is using titanium material. The reason is its lightness and strength. The reason I don't use the others is that silver is too soft for weapons, and stainless steel has a lower level than titanium in terms of durability and lightness. As for titanite steel, its level is too high. Although Quantumorph Artisan can break down titanite steel to a subatomic scale and extract the metal properties information, my current Arkium quality cannot duplicate such a high-level material. So, titanium is my only choice this time. And I'm too lazy to go around looking for other materials tonight.

I held up my left hand with my fingers positioned as if gripping an air ball. Closing my eyes, I imagined the shape I wanted to create. For starters, I didn't want to make something too complex, which could have side effects on my body.

With Anetta's help, clear visualization and shape reconstruction simulation can be quickly completed. Then all the information is translated into a physical form.

My left hand quickly blackened from the elbow to the fingertips with line patterns. This is a sign of duplicating titanium metal atoms. Once the blackening reached the fingertips, small blocks of metal appeared on the surface of my skin.

The small blocks assembled from the palm towards the boundary between the forearm and elbow. All of this happened quickly, producing a pleasant mechanical sound. The sound resembled the sound of old robot transformation movies that could turn into vehicles. Although the script wasn't very good, the explosion-obsessed director at least did a good job in sound design direction.

'Ah~...I never get tired of the mechanical sound.'

Now the final form was fully formed. What I created was a gauntlet with a modern design, simpler than turning my entire arm into a prosthetic arm. Although Anetta and I could visualize the design and shape, with my current Arkium quality, we wouldn't be able to process it into a physical form. For now, I'm satisfied with this gauntlet.

"No matter how often I activate it since becoming Dark Saber, I always think it's cool."

I raised my left hand and inspected every detail. The gauntlet Anetta and I formed had a dark gray color with orange and red LEDs in several parts. This gauntlet covered the forearm, back of the hand, and part of the fingers. After inspecting, I moved my fingers and rotated my arm.

"I don't feel any Arkium load, I'm sure I can make another one on my right hand. What do you think, Anetta?" I murmured.

(No side effects found from activating Quantumorph Artisan. You can form it again, Master.)

Without answering, I immediately activated my skill for the right gauntlet. After the gauntlet formation sequence was complete, I admired it again.

(No side effects or anomalies detected due to Arkium quality, Master.)

"Still nothing, huh. Hmmm..."

After murmuring, my gaze shifted downwards to my Victorian-era pants. Then, my gaze moved to my loose shirt, which matched my pants' style. Finally, I looked at my gauntlet.

'Damn, this doesn't suit me very well. Anetta, is it safe for me to make a set of clothes with titanium thread?'

I could feel that my Arkium core was still capable of providing the energy to make clothes, but just to be safe, I confirmed it with Anetta again.

(Your Arkium core is still capable of making a set of clothes with limited protection. If you add defensive functions with the titanium material level similar to your gauntlet, there is a possibility of side effects. Additionally, please note for the future. Currently, you also can't form power shoes with titanium even if you don't make clothes. If you want a full set of equipment on your body, you need material with a lower level.)

'You're right. But for tonight, I just want to look cool while testing my skill. So don't worry, I'll heed your advice.'


After my inner conversation with Anetta, I closed my eyes briefly to visualize what I wanted to wear.

Black coloration began to spread across my clothes. Once all my clothes were blackened, the titanium metal atoms started forming fabric. After 7 seconds, my new set of clothes was ready. I wore a gray t-shirt, black cargo pants, and techwear shoes. I started looking at my own body.

'Indeed, mechs are a man's romance. Now, it's suitable. Well, even though I thought about not doing physical training, I still want to move around. Now it's time for a real test. Let's see how this new body performs. Anetta, visualize an enemy in front of me.'

(Understood, Master!)