
The Li Family’s Daughter Is Grown Up

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Year 1900, the Gengzi year in the lunar calendar.

This was a year of great significance in Chinese history. The Boxer Indemnity, as it was later known, happened this year. In the history of the late Qing Dynasty, much money was paid to for reparation as a result of losing the war, but only the reparations of Gengzi had "a name and a surname", which were often mentioned separately.

Since it was the largest amount of compensation in China's history, given China's material resources, it had to pay 39 years' worth of instalments.

However, before the tragedy, the backbone of the Qing Dynasty was still stubbornly standing after several tramples. In the minds of the ruling people, it was still a great China and the Kingdom of Heaven.

After the Opium War and the Battle of the Yalu River, this huge thing in the Far East was awakened, but the bloated and corrupt feudal dynasty system impeded its development and sent it on the path to doom.