
The Worst White Snake Ever Appears (1)

After Zhanil Fezhe and Dr. Robanton entered through the open door.

Some time passed.

Then, one snake, one vine grass, and a soul fragment appeared in that place.

The white snake vomited as soon as it appeared.



A smell that really makes you want to throw up.

I wasn't the only one suffering.

Isil crumpled up like someone who had bitten into a lemon.

Looking at Isil's reaction, it was clear that plants could smell too.

'It's Pandan's smell!'

This was Pandan's scent.

When the wyverns invaded the dungeon, Pandan covered himself with an ampoule that had a terrible smell.

That smell was unmistakable.

Would fermented skate and soybean paste stuffed in fish guts and left at room temperature for a week smell like this?


"Stop being so dramatic with the overreacting!"

Pelerian shouted angrily.