
So I'm a Klaxosaur, So What?

When you enter someone else's life, is it with a good intent or a bad one?

MiracleWorm · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

First Fight

What surprised Nokon and made him widen his eyes so much that his slitted pupils now were clearly seen was a rather rare sight.

It was a lonely Randanel standing around below his hiding place at ground level and searching for something. Its nose was twitching and its eyes were focused on the rocky ground below itself.

'What is that guy doing here? And all alone at that? This guy is barely level 10. Not to mention their otherwise different habits.'

Seeing the Randanel now sniffing the ground where the previous prey had been lying around sure was a weird sight. It even seemed to look rather confused and made some weird high noises.

'Wait, is it investigating? Don't tell me it is here to get the killed monsters!? Appraisal!'

When looking at the information Nokon could see a skill it had not yet seen on any of the other Randanel. And that was the sharpened senses.

'Damn, this thing is some sort of scout! Its presence detection is also at lvl 3. If it goes back it will inform the groups leader and those guys are going to come back for sure and then they will camp my hiding place. Looks like it is time to make my first kill. Steady now...'

[Cold-Blodded lvl up. Cold-Blooded LVL. 2]

The sound of the female didn't even bother the little lizard since his attention was now on that sole prey in front of him. His slitted eyes now contracted even further.

His mind raced fast and was already thinking of ways to kill this guy as fast as possible. Coming to a solution the Lizard's skin started to glisten and his claws became longer.

Slowly crawling out of his hideout without making any noise and keeping his eyes on the Randanel, he soon stayed still and glared at the Randanel that was still brave enough to investigate further without noticing him.

Thanks to stealth it seemed to be a rather easy thing to do.

Just when the raptor jolted its head up as if to tell it had found something, the little lizard jumped with his agility increased through his usage of the ceiling as his pivot.

Landing on the back of the Randanel brought it slamming into the ground with Nokon's body mass being much heavier than it looks.

Nokon's claws went into the Randanel's flesh so that he could not be thrown off that easily and when he saw the surprise in the eyes of the Randanel and its high-pitched cry resounded, Nokon slammed his fangs itself into the neck of his prey.

The Randanel continued to screech and thrashed around to get him off his back. The poison from little lizards claws and and teeth were far from useful against the poison resistance the Randanel had.

Therefore the strikes with its shell skill that encased its tail and made it look like solid steel soon punctured one hole after the other in mere seconds.

The Randanel started bleeding profusely and after the little lizard put some more strength into its bite and twisted its body like an alligator was the moment the neck of its prey snapped.

Being dead it quickly fell down with its limp head showing a weird position.

And the little lizard looked at the successfully hunted monster. The state it entered when finally having decided to kill slowly supsided.

[Level up! Level up!]

'Yes!! I did it. I finally hunted my very first monster. Hah! That's for chasing me so much, you bastards.'

Even the two consecutive notifications didn't bother it. It made a little happy dance on the dead Randanel that was at least 2 to 3 times larger than itself.

So in a sense, the female voice only increased the little lizard's euphoria for having finally hunted something on its own.

But it also brought a complex expression on its face soon after. It had to wonder. The hunt felt rather easy. Almost too easy.

'Hmm, well I had the better stats? I should probably just store this guy and go hiding again to reflect on why this a little bit.'

Doing just that it devoured it with its predator skill and quickly hid away.

When the little lizard lay down in its small cave that was basically the crevis inside the ceiling. Not that it actually mattered if it was up or down.

His sticky little feet already made sure that wherever he was he could just close his eyes and sleep. Sometimes it made him wonder if he was a bat and not a lizard.

Now he was overcome with tiredness, though.

[Safe space confirmed. Evolution in progress.]

Those were the last words before Nokon closed his eyes for good.


Waking up he could now see a terrarium. And one where he was inside to be exact.

'What is going on!? Don't tell me I was caught by humans!!? No, this can't be!'

Nokon immediately tried to find some exit out of this thing but he soon noticed something else.

His cage had 6 sides made of glass.

'OI!! Where is the air supposed to come from that I need to breathe!? I will sue you! I will definitely tell some animal protection organization that you are tormenting me!'

"That is a very interesting thing to say while you don't even need air to survive with your biology."

Suddenly he heard someone talk to him and looked around. But he could not see anyone.

'Who are you!? Show yourself!!'

"...Looks like there has been a lot of things going not as planned. Well, I am just here to fix your system since it has been affected by the world system. Let's see. Ah, here it is.

[System recalibrating...Done. Skill Appraisal fixed. Skill level 10 as maximum confirmed. Adjusting parameters....Done.]

'What are you doing...'

"Since you don't remember me, I will just tell you that it was me who sent you to another world. Your little amnesia should also subside at some point. But don't bother thinking too much over it. Some things just went unexpectedly so I had to readjust them."

'So I really was reincarnated. That explains some parts of my memory being so blurry.'

"Shouldn't you pick one of your evolutions by now?"

'Oh, right! So what can I chose from?'

When he changed his focus to that there was a transparent screen showing his options. But there was just one. [Gecko Klaxosaur]

'Wait! you are trying to divert my attention!! But before he could look back up from where the voice came he suddenly was overcome with tiredness and fell unconscious again.


The next thing was that he woke up feeling a little bit confused.

'Was that just a dream? If so, that was just too damn weird. There is really no way some entity contacts you again after sending you to the next world. What purpose would that serve?'

Besides his confusion, he also felt a little bit cramped. So much so that he had to widen his cave where he slept.

At that task, he had noticed he was now a little bit bigger than before but that was barely visible.

What struck out most was especially the armor on his skin that he was now sporting.

He looked like an armadillo gecko now through and through. It was something his shell skill was probably at fault for. But whatever. He found himself looking extremely cool...and cute.

Why was it that he looked rather cute? Well, he was a gecko. Probably...