
Eating Her Meals For The First Time

It was Sunday morning. Knowing that her husband won't be working today, Pearl woke up to prepare him breakfast. Even though she knew that her actions would be futile, she still hoped that she would be able change him one day. "He would only wear such a gentle look in his sleep and in front of his beloved", Pearl thought bitterly. She pulled back her hand that was about to caress his face. As his wife, she could only get close to him in this awkward manner.

Pearl covered him well with the blanket before walking out of the room quietly. One thing she was proud of was her cooking. She owed her culinary skills to the nuns at the orphanage. Pearl smiled thinking of those wonderful memories. Today, she decided to prepare sunny side up with toasts, omelet, Caesarian salad and bean sauce. Jason loved bean sauce, at least that was what she learnt from his mother. Soon, the entire kitchen was filled with the sweet aroma of her delicious food. "I hope he eats something today", Pearl clasped her hands in usual anticipation.

She had lost count of the number of times she had said those words. She wiped away a stray tear and put on a smile on her face. "I won't give up", she declared in determination. After setting up the dishes on the dining table, she rushed upstairs to call her husband. "My love, I'm sorry for not accompanying you last night. Shh...don't cry. No no you know I don't love her. Please don't cry. I will come to your apartment tonight. I love you, Tamara". She heard him hung up the call with a smile on his face.

This sight really stung her eyes; she could feel her heart breaking. To the outside world, he was a ruthless businessman and at home, he was a cold and emotionless husband but only to that woman, would he reveal such a sweet and gentle side. She knew how pathetic her life had become. He never loved her. He always told her this fact but her heart just couldn't bear to let him go. Pearl cleaned her face and tried to put on a smile on her face but it was uglier than a frown.

Her heart felt bitter but she took in a deep breath and called him out for breakfast. Jason had already noticed her familiar silhouette outside the slightly opened door. In fact, he woke up the moment she draped the blanket over him. She was someone whom he couldn't fathom. His love would never belong to her; he had made it very clear but she always pretended as if everything would be okay. She was quite an award deserving actress, he thought. " Jason, it's time for breakfast", Pearl called out to him again when she heard no reply.

She pushed open the door, only to meet a shocking sight. Jason had taken off his T-shirt and was about to pulled down his slacks. Pearl's feet were glued firmly to the ground. Jason's body was drool worthy and Pearl couldn't take off her eyes from him. "Are you done checking me out...Or do you plan on seeing me naked". Jason asked coldly. He deliberately kept mum when he heard her call his name. He didn't expect her to walk into the room. "Are you deaf?" Pearl blushed in embarrassment after realizing that she had lost her composure.

"I... erm... I didn't hear your reply when I called earlier. Sorry. I'll leave immediately". She stuttered whilst explaining. Anyone would wonder why she was explaining herself, after all they were husband and wife. She scurried out of the room when she felt a cold glare directed towards her. Pearl leaned against the closed door, holding her hand against her chest. Her heart was beating very fast and the blush on her face had not worn off. She had never seen a man's body not even her husband's.

Jason hadn't touched for the past three years. "I'd rather sleep with a prostitute than touch a despicable woman like you". Those were the words he had said to her on their wedding night. To him, she was far worse than a prostitute. She had done everything she could to change his perception of her but it only made matters worse. She was still a virgin. Sighing bitterly, Pearl headed to the guest room to take a shower. She hardly slept beside her husband because her poor heart would have to bear the painful cost.

This room became her safe haven aside the orphanage. Jason never bothered to question her for not sleeping in their room. He was hardly at home anyways . Pearl finished showering in less than twenty minutes and dressed as fast as she could. She wanted to have breakfast with him, if only he would taste her cooking. She picked up a light blue shirt and a jeans skirt to match. Makeup was not her thing so she just applied a strawberry flavored lip gloss and then headed downstairs.

"Cute", that was the first thing that came into his mind upon seeing Pearl's blushing face. He was surprised by his thoughts. How could he find that woman cute? He shook his head to dispel those outrageous thoughts. But her eyes, those emerald green eyes reminded him of Serena and that was the reason behind his tolerance towards her; however, she was an ambitious woman who would do anything for money, even using his own grandfather against him. He hated how she had been able to bewitch his parents enough to accept her with open arms.

The victim of her schemes was Tamara, the only woman his heart had grown to accept after Serena his first love. He walked out of the room after taking his shower in a royal blue shirt and black trousers. Soon he arrived at the dining hall. His eyes took in the variety of meals displayed on the table. The fragrance of the food assaulted his nostrils, stimulating his appetite. His grandfather had praised her culinary skills once when he had visited him at the hospital.

He had been complaining of the bland meals the hospital gave him, but it changed the moment she became his nurse. He scoffed at her pretentious actions. He would never be blinded by her like everyone else. "I won't waste my own money", Jason murmured in order to convince himself that that was the reason why he had sat down for breakfast. He would never accept that it was because his appetite had been stimulated, especially by that woman's cooking.

He first tasted the bean sauce and surprisingly, it was amazing. He added it to the toast and the taste was superb, making him hum in pleasant satisfaction. What he didn't know was that a pair emerald green eyes were staring at him in tears. Pearl held her mouth to prevent her sobs from disturbing her husband. She couldn't believe it. For the very first time in three whole years, Jason was eating the food she had cooked and was even pleased. She wanted to record every bit of this moment in her heart.