
Chapter 17

-My Birthday-

The next morning something interrupts my rest, it's the song of "Happy birthday" but of course I had forgotten it today is my birthday, when I open my eyes my parents and my sister have gifts for me, in addition my room is decorated in balloons.

They are so cute, there can be no better surprise than this, that when you wake up your family is the first to congratulate you and remember a special day because not even me remember it of how distracted I have been these last days but it has undoubtedly been worth it.

—Happy birthday Sarah!—they all say at the same time

My dad hugs me and hands me a box wrapped in a purple bow. I wonder what it could be. It's something big, I open it and find a beautiful blue dress.

—Thanks dad, it's so beautiful—I say as I open it.

Then my mom gives me another box with a red ribbon. Next I open the box and I found my favorite chocolates, can't wait to eat this box.

—Thanks mom, they're my favorites—I tell her as I hug her