
So, am I responsible for the harmonious relationship between heroines?

“…….” “…….” "So, you want to say that I'm responsible for the harmonious exchange of elemental energy between you four?" Lei Kongming gazed at the four beautiful figures before him, his attention was drawn to the majestic queen-like presence of one woman as she explained the concept of 'energy exchange' to him. 'Are you sure the energy exchange you're referring to is serious?' Lei Kongming fell into deep reflection. “If I don’t go to hell, then who will? Come here, I will help you all and solve your problem.” "It will also help you in improving your cultivation. Don't act as if you're making a sacrifice..." "Hey! Why are you turning off the lights and setting up sound isolation formation?....." Thinking that they are shy, Lei Kongming replies "Um... it's to facilitate better 'energy exchange'... Huh? Why are you drawing your sword?... hey! WAIT! STOP!"

ChasingSunMoon · Eastern
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55 Chs


Lei Kongming stepped onto the stairs and the first thing he noticed was that his cultivation had been sealed, but other than that, there were no other abnormalities on the stairs, which made him more suspicious.

He also discovered that although his cultivation was sealed, it was showing faint signs of weakening. He felt that if he tried to mobilize it, it might easily break free. The most likely reason for this is either the black orb or the black dragon immortal arts. However, he will not do that, as it may attract the attention of the old man standing at the peak.

All the Lei family members decided to stay nearby so that they could help each other in case of difficulties. Aside from becoming a little tired due to climbing the stairs, they didn't encounter any problems even though they had climbed nearly a third of the stairs.

The old man standing at the peak looked down at the Purple Cloud disciples who had captured nearly 100 people at the bottom of the mountain with cold eyes. These were individuals who had used deceitful means to obtain tokens or even attempted to enter without one. The formation on the mountain matched the aura of the token to the person holding it. If they didn't match, it alerted the individuals managing the formation, resulting in their capture.

As for their endings, it depends. If they have tried to enter without any token, they can leave after facing some small penalty. However, for those who attempted to use other people's tokens, the situation becomes complicated. In short, they will be investigated and given heavy punishment.

The old man also noticed that there were still people waiting at the foot of the mountain, hesitating and wondering whether to start climbing or continue waiting for changes. In the old man's opinion, they were being foolish. It's good to be cautious, but being overly cautious is no different from being cowardly.

The old man realized that some people had reached nearly halfway up the mountain, so he signaled the Purple Cloud disciples to start the real test.

"Eh?" Lei Kongming exclaimed as a drop of water struck his head, producing a splash.

Lei Kongming stopped and looked up into the sky. It was totally clear without any clouds, and the sun was shining brightly. However, Lei Kongming still felt a drop or two of water hitting him from time to time.

Before long, heavy rain started pouring all over the mountain, and soon everyone noticed the abnormality. However, what surprised Lei Kongming was that this water was unusually slippery. Normal water can indeed make stairs slippery, but this water was like oil, making each and every step very difficult.

Soon, accidents start happening as people start slipping and falling down, but the most pitiful are those who are waiting at the bottom of the mountain.

Since all the water is rushing down the stairs, the steps at the bottom are submerged in a turbulent flow. The water makes the stairs extremely slippery, and the strong current makes it nearly impossible for anyone to climb up.


Lei Kongming exclaimed because he found someone who had slipped and was rolling right towards him and the Lei family members.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Thankfully, Lei Kongming and others spotted him from a distance and were able to avoid him, but one of the Lei family members still slipped, although he was able to stabilize after slipping a few stairs.

Realizing that it is dangerous to climb together, Lei Kongming asked everyone to maintain distance from each other. In case someone slipped, at least they would not take others down with them.


The old man looked towards the struggling people and nodded happily. He is the Peak Master of the 1st Peak of Purple Cloud Palace, and people usually call him Peak Master Lu.

All the peaks of Purple Cloud Palace take turns organizing the selection, and as a reward, they get to choose the disciples for their peaks first. Of course, the disciples can refuse and choose other peaks, but usually, the peaks responsible for organizing the selection get better disciples.

Last year was the turn of their first peak, but he was in seclusion. So, the deputy Peak Master of the 1st peak became responsible for supervising everything. The problem was that the deputy Peak Master is a sword maniac who didn't understand anything other than swordplay.

Last year's "Sword Wind" test wasn't a bad idea. However, the day before the test, Su Zhiyuan gave his deputy a pill that enhanced sword intent, even at their high cultivation level. What was even more outrageous was that he decided to take the pill immediately instead of waiting for the completion of the test.

Then disaster struck: his deputy was unable to properly control his sword intent and destroyed all the candidates' clothes. What's even more hateful is that Su Zhiyuan knew this might occur, so she asked everyone to separate the female cultivators but did not warn the deputy Peak Master about this.

Last year, not a single female cultivator joined their first peak, and some even decided to transfer to other peaks. Now, most of the sword cultivators of the first peak, especially his deputy, are considered perverts. To add insult to the injury, Su Zhiyuan always brings this matter up when all the high-level members of Purple Cloud Palace gather, resulting in him becoming a laughingstock.

Originally, it was the 2nd peak's turn to organize the selection, but he decided to pay a high price to the 2nd peak master and palace master to get this changed. The reason for this, of course, is the scandal of last year's selection, as he wants to fix the damaged reputation of the 1st peak.

Suddenly, a Purple Cloud Palace disciple came running towards him with a panicked expression.

"Peak Master Lu! Peak Master Lu! Not good!"

Hearing this, the smile on Peak Master Lu's face disappeared as he started having a bad feeling about this.

"What happened!?"

"The clothes, the clothes of the candidates started to melt."

"What?!" Peak Master Lu shouted loudly in shock.

"How can this happen? I specifically asked the Alchemy Peak to prepare these waters and repeatedly told them that it should not damage anyone's clothes."

"peak master it's not the clothes that are melting but the metal armor that they are wearing." said the purple cloud disciples with panic.

Peak Master Lu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this and said, "Isn't it just the armor? Why are you panicking so much?"

"But.... but the melted armor for some reason become very corrosive for some reason and is directly destroying the clothes of people wearing them."

"What?!" Once again, Peak Master Lu exclaimed in shock. Then he said, "Go, quickly. Go to the Alchemy Peak and ask them for an explanation for this."

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