
So, am I responsible for the harmonious relationship between heroines?

“…….” “…….” "So, you want to say that I'm responsible for the harmonious exchange of elemental energy between you four?" Lei Kongming gazed at the four beautiful figures before him, his attention was drawn to the majestic queen-like presence of one woman as she explained the concept of 'energy exchange' to him. 'Are you sure the energy exchange you're referring to is serious?' Lei Kongming fell into deep reflection. “If I don’t go to hell, then who will? Come here, I will help you all and solve your problem.” "It will also help you in improving your cultivation. Don't act as if you're making a sacrifice..." "Hey! Why are you turning off the lights and setting up sound isolation formation?....." Thinking that they are shy, Lei Kongming replies "Um... it's to facilitate better 'energy exchange'... Huh? Why are you drawing your sword?... hey! WAIT! STOP!"

ChasingSunMoon · Eastern
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55 Chs

Another Pit?


At first, Lei Kongming blinked in confusion but soon found himself caught in a battle between heaven and man. Although he knew that witch Su Zhiyuan would definitely go back on her words but by this time his third leg had already acquired the higher ground and in the end, he decided to it a try….

"Uhm… Elder Sister.....how did you know that I was planning to peep on…"

Lei Kongming suddenly stopped talking because he found that witch Su..... I mean, teacher Su Zhiyuan has returned and was glaring at him with stern eyes.

"Xiao Ming! How dare you think of doing such a thing! Go and properly restore the hall; this will be your punishment."


'So, this was your plan—to make me work without paying,' thought Lei Kongming in shock.

At this time Lei Kongming realized then that Su Zhiyuan was more of a capitalist than the factory owners back on Earth who exploited their workers with 996 jobs.[1]

"Elder Sister, I was just joking. With your strength, how could I peep at you without getting caught?"

"Alright, I will trust you this once, but you cannot make this kind of joke to your elder sister. I will cut your reward as punishment," saying that Su Zhiyuan turns around to leave.

'Teasing Xiao Ming is so much fun, especially when he looks shocked. It's really... cute, jiejiejie.'

Although Lei Kongming wanted to argue with her more, his eyes fell on Su Zhiyuan's departing back.....more specifically, her slender waist, long legs, and the two moons swaying left and right with each step.


Lei Kongming mentally slapped himself, reminding himself to keep his thoughts in check. His reward had just been reduced because he gave in to Su Zhiyuan's temptation, and now he was trying to make the same mistake again.... At least wait until he gets his reward, and then it won't be too late to 'admire' her.

What Lei Kongming didn't know was that with Su Zhiyuan's cultivation, his brief act of 'admiring' her body secretly was no different from doing it blatantly in front of her.

'This brat still hasn't learned and continues to look at me with those lustful eyes….. but this makes it more interesting. Let's think of how to punish him next, jiejiejie,' thought Su Zhiyuan, trying her best to suppress her villainous laughter.


In the evening, Lei Kongming lay on the ground, panting in exhaustion. By this time, the burned-out hall had been transformed into a majestic hall similar to the one Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia saw in the illusion cast by Su Zhiyuan.

Soon, footsteps sounded, and Su Zhiyuan, in her signature white-golden dress, came to his side. Lei Kongming looked up and found that he could peek under Su Zhiyuan's skirt from his position, but all he could see was darkness.

This made him a little regretful; even as a foundation-building cultivator, he still couldn't see through her skirt's protective formation. It also reminded him of his first encounter with her when he tried to peek inside her skirt but saw nothing and was mocked for his low strength.

"Oh! Xiao Ming, you trying to check the strength of my skirt's protective formation again?" Su Zhiyuan said in amazement as if she had discovered something shocking, though the teasing smile in her eyes could not be hidden.

This time, Lei Kongming did not play along with her and said, "Elder Sister, I am here to talk about the problems caused by Black Dragon Immortal Arts. Please stop causing trouble."

Hearing this, Su Zhiyuan lost interest and asked in a lazy voice, "So, what are the problems you are facing?"

"Elder Sister, when I try to use a space ring, a black light is pulled along with my Qi and directly destroys the ring."

"Huh, did I forget to tell you about this? Anyway, the reason is very simple. The Black Dragon Immortal Art absorbs the space element from your surroundings into your body to temper and strengthen it."

She paused for a moment, seeing his worried expression. "This not only helps you increase your understanding and control over the space element, which is very important if you want to reach higher realms, but it also increases its destructive power. That black light you saw is the result of this process."

"Control?" Lei Kongming nearly cried, "That's the problem, I am unable to control it."

Hearing Lei Kongming's almost tearful tone, Su Zhiyuan felt a little guilty and said, "Well… that's because you need to reach the nascent soul realm to gain initial control over the space element. Currently, the cultivation technique can only use the crude method of attaching the space element to your Qi and body to gain its destructive power, but it is relatively uncontrollable."

At this time, Lei Kongming's eyes darkened as he felt that his future was very bleak. Even in a large sect like the Purple Cloud Palace, there were only two or three nascent soul realm cultivators, which showed how difficult it was to reach that level. Although he had confidence in reaching the nascent soul realm, he didn't want to run around naked until then.

'Maybe people will start calling me Venerable Naked by the time I become a nascent soul realm cultivator.'

"Elder Sister, is there any solution for this?" asked Lei Kongming, hoping to save his bleak future.

"Your situation is more complicated. Along with the Black Dragon Immortal Art, the black orb also increases the space element in your Qi and body."

Lei Kongming started feeling like he had returned to Earth and the doctor was about to tell him about a serious disease he had.

"The black orb can also help you control those space elements, but with your current divine consciousness, you cannot control it. I can give you a technique that can help strengthen your divine consciousness."

Hearing about a cultivation technique from Su Zhiyuan made him very alert. He had once fallen into a pit because of a technique given by Su Zhiyuan, and he even suspected that Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia had also fallen for it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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