
so,always you perish

a collection of journal entries written by Jacob ivanov a troubled broken young man who upon hearing about his fathers death goes on a rampage to find who killed his father, no matter who dies he will get his vengeance.

Aiden_Hayles · Realistic
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6 Chs

dear me: the storm of adulthood

dear me

i woke up after that encounter and walked into The kitchen while my father was making lunch "Woah dude you look like shit" my father had said I flashed a sarcastic smile "thanks dad"

Jacob grabbed his plate and put some food on his plate Adam stopped him in his tracks "I smell liquor" my father said worriedly "it was just a bit" "don't lie to me please" "couldn't you have waited Till you got to The party to start drinking?" "nope," i said as I popped open a beer bottle and started chugging it in front of him , his face was of utter disgust dad was getting older i had seen and more vulnerable his beard now graying his long black hair with white streaks staining it, Jacob walked out of The door and went to The party, Adam I ard a knock at The door I opened The door his I art sank I was staring into The mask of a Project red member his black cloak shone in The light he walked towards him "gonatíso!" Adam knelled before The member "how dare you use that on me?" "Silence!" The member said his mask was in The shape of a fox covering his face completely, and his skinny figure shined familiar to father, father reached for his sword The Leader kicked his Arm father grunted in pain, and I bent down to him "where is The boy?" "none of your fucking business" "you're funny" " he will never join your regime!" father spat

"you know it's not good to assume what someone wants Adam" The figure slapped father, blood splattering to the ground the Masked man, got up and pulled out a gun "the things i do for this damn place" and shot him. thus cued the worst weeks of my life, upon coming home from the party i had heard from the police My father had been shot i rushed back home and craddled him in my arms not believing he was really gone "why god?" "this cant be real" "dont go please" were all i thought in my brain as i stood up looked at the symbol they left there i knew my life was gonna change dramatically i was going to tear this person apart!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Aiden_Haylescreators' thoughts