
so always you perish; remake


Aiden_Hayles · Urban
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12 Chs

: Only just the beginning

the last thing i remembered before jumping off that bridge was the myriad of calls i was getting from my friends"

after which felt like 2 hours i brought my head from the water shouting in my brain

"i wont die and i wont give up!" cheesy i am aware but honestly it worked"

when i got home Melissa let out the most heartbreaking sob while hugging me my heart sank i felt absolutely horrible, i couldnt undo the way i hurt her especially so all i did was hug her back and stroke her hair assuring her i was okay im not sure if it helped but i tried all i could without seeming like a complete asshole.

I woke up in a room with no light I walked over to the light switch and switched it on the blinding light struck me like a sword I remember last night at the Seattle state prison my clothes still stained with her blood I walked to the bathroom and washed the blood off of me and brushed my teeth trying to get the smell of liquor off my breath i grabbed the scimitar from my desk

i unsheathed it gazing at it praying at it "sacred God, beacon in the dark, hear my despaired prayer. Kindle my inner fire so I may save my eternal soul. I ask this of you with open arms, o eternal flame. Honor me with your infinite soul"

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