
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Urban
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53 Chs

Sleepover Crisis!

"Oh how did the convincing go?Did they say yes or..."Emma asked as she sat down next to me.

"They said yes."l smile happily at my statement.The surge of happiness still remained in me and the anticipation of the day to come bloomed like a ragging fire which was ignited by more fuel.Last night was a long night that probably made me a vegetarian from now on..who knows..


~Last night~

l was with remarkable determination for the upcoming sleepover as soon as l heard of itand the activities that would be held l knew l had go it was like in a life time chance..even though it was gonna be held following years also..but it once every year and l really wanted to enjoy my high school moments. l knew Mia shared the same thoughts as l did and we were not backing down from it.

We just needed to convince two people..no we had to convince two people to let us go to it,aunt and uncle and damn were they a tough nut to crack.

We hatched a plan to convince aunt and uncle for us to go to the school sleepover.And we were not going down without a fight.

*********** ************

**Attempt 1: The Strategic Appeal**

"It's an educational experience, you know? We'll learn team-building and cooperation, just like on those reality shows!"

"Yeah, it's practically a survival challenge, but with homework."

The two adults exchanged skeptical glances, unconvinced by the reality-show pitch.

**Attempt 2: The Academic Argument**

"It's a great opportunity to study together, uninterrupted! We'll have the whole school as our library."

"Imagine acing all our tests after an epic study session mom."

The two adults raised eyebrows, skeptical about the study habits of high schoolers during a sleepover.

**Attempt 3: The Sentimental Plea**

"Think of it as a bonding experience! Memories to cherish forever."

"We'll probably tell our grandkids about this sleepover and weren't you the one who told me to make new friendships."

The two adult gazes softened a bit, but concern lingered.

**Final Attempt: If this is not gonna work nothing will!**

"What if we promise not to order pizza this time?"

"Yeah, we'll stick to healthy snacks, like carrot sticks."

"Did you just say carrot sticks? Alright, maybe it's not such a bad idea."Mia's mom commented with a cunning smile.

Laughter erupted, breaking the tension. The unexpected humor of carrot sticks sealed the deal, l gotta say l didnt know if bad humour runned in our family or what... and the two adults, unable to resist the charm of their persistent children, agreed to the school sleepover.

Our triumphant reigned as we exchanged victorious glances, knowing that our blend of persuasion, 'good'humor, and a touch of sincerity had won the day.Actually it was exaggeration mostly and a bit of pinch of lies ..but we not counting..a wins a win.

With the anticipation of the upcoming school sleepover building up we went to prepare for the day to come because it was to be held on a Weekend.


As the night unfolded, the atmosphere buzzed with teenage energy. The school halls echoed with laughter and chatter as students settled into sleeping bags, creating a makeshift campsite in the classrooms. The air was charged with a sense of rebellion, as they relished the freedom of breaking away from their usual routines.

In the dim glow of flashlights and the soft hum of whispered secrets, the sleepover took a mischievous turn. The students, liberated from the constraints of daytime rules, indulged in pranks and playful antics. Laughter echoed through the corridors as they shared snacks, told ghost stories, and embraced the thrill of being teenagers on an unconventional adventure.

In this carefree night, the bonds between Yumi and Mia deepened even further that it was. The shared laughter and playful escapades became memories they would carry with them through their high school years. As dawn approached, and the night of mischief faded into morning, they reveled in the joy of a school sleepover that surpassed their expectations.

The joys that comes from being a high schooler..yeah we are forgetting about the and looking at the good..for now at least..why not :)