
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 47

The day went even better than expected.To tell the truth l was really nervous of how it play out or if any incidents would happen but it turned out fun and l really enjoyed it.

We watched a horror movie l have been dying to watch,l was so exicted when he agreed for me to pick it out but don't get me wrong here l have this silly condition where l kind of adore horror movies but..l can't watch it alone or at night..reason being am a scared baby when it comes to this stuff and get nightmares when l watch alone or at night.lt kind of hassle but l have to deal with it.Even if l watch in the daytime l have to distract myself with watching animations or completely distracting myself so l can forget the show.

The movie was frightening as l imagined,at some point l thought it was right in front of me playing out.l could feel my entire face drained out but l had to survive till the end.l hoped it wasn't based on a true story because l would have to stay up all night or sleep next to Mia..but would she agree?

"You know you can close your eyes and l can tell you when the scary part is over."he said in a whisper while he blocked the view of the screen with his hand over my face.

"N..no am f..."before I could even finish my sentence a clown jumped out of nowhere and stabbed one of the characters of the movie.l immediately covered my face and held to him arm tight."O..okay just this once."

Well l guess l endured till the end thanks to Riru and it wasn't based on a true story.My feet felt numb and my whole body felt drained by reacting to much.

"Are you in the mood for icecream?"Riru asked as he smiled brightly while pointing at cafe across the street.

We still had time to go to the amusement park so l agreed without a thought l really needed something to cool me down.

We entered the cafe and passed order as we tried to find empty sits.Luckily there two empty sits by the window,so we sat there as l watched the outside view of people walking and vehicles moving around.

The waitress finally came with our orders which were two bowls of ice cream one containing a vanilla and the other chocolate,they both looked tasty to eat.l immediately dug in as the cold sweet tasty chocolate flowed through my tongue and through,it also made me shiver a bit.

We continued eating our ice creams as l caught a glimpse of Mia.l could tell it was her even if she turned her back around but she was unexpectedly in the company of a pink haired guy.The were stepping in the movies as they chatted happily away.The most shocking part was them holding hands.

lt was an interesting drama that picked my interest.

'l wonder what excuse she will tell me?'

l smiled at my wicked thought as the cold sweet flavour melted away in my mouth.

Yes ^•^what excuse would she come up with?

Karma_yukidacreators' thoughts