
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 2

L've been beating them like hell.l felt no remorse at that moment.All feeling left my body.Blood runs through my face and clothes.Beating them all to a polp.

Like this guy who unfortunately order this all to start.l think he's their leader,The black loutus.

Notorious,Arrogant,Powerful gang in the area.

oh and creepy,The vice leader always creeps me out has this pervy gaze fixated on me that makes me puck whenever l look at his and the way he speaks you could mistake him for an old granny and his jokes and punch lines were meant to be given to the graveyard atleast wont suffer while listening to him and feel akward for not laughing at his jokes..

because well, there dead.

There leader was said to be the toughest one of them all.And l had all the frightening things about him.l always told myself l would never want to face a man like him and l believed l would because our own strong leader was there,Hiro.He could face him.

But who knew l could steal the spotlight for him.But that didn't really matter now l was so frustrated with everyone now nothing really mattered anyway.

The whole world could end as if l cared.His face was already crushed and almost to the point of unrecongnisable but that didn't stop me.My name being called a few times...

At that moment l felt time freeze up.

A hug from behind crying to me.

"Stop!!,that would not change anything!?"

It was Hiro.

l stopped my movements.

Another pierce to my heart.

Fuck it!!

"Let go of me.."a low whisper.

Nothing happened.

"L said let go of me!?" came out a shout more of a scream.

l threw to the ground with one swing.l stood up wanting to leave.A shadow covered my way.Vice leader,Toma.

"What did you.."

With one look at my face he stepped aside and let me have my way.

l threw my 1st division jacket on the ground.

"Am done!?"

l left.

"Are okay?"

"huh!not really."

"Should l go after her.."

"No,let her be."


"Am sorry it all my fault!?"

l said with all my guilt burrying me up.

"Honey where are you?"

"Am sorry.."

l hunged up before l could regret any more.With the view of the ocean it felt like another grave of sorrow added to it.

Where in my previous life l had lost my little brother..

And now another one has fallen.

"Damn!Is this another of punishing me.If it was l wish l..l never existed in the first place!?"

l said with my crying my heart out to cold sand which wascovering my face.In days like this why am l here to begin with?

~1weeks after~

Damn!openening the door nowadays is becoming a hustle.

Could you all just go away!?

"Hiro!?Have you seen or heard of Yumi?"

"She hasn't come home for almost a week,we were hoping she would have contact you where she was."

All this came as a slap to my face.

"A week?"

"yes,were worried sick."

"no l haven't seen or spoken to her lately since..that day.."

"ok,sorry to disturb you please tell us when see or talk to her."

"l will."

"Thank you."

l closed the door and and my legs gave up on me.

A week?

'Umi,what do think ur doing?..'