
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 27

l had hoped to escape the tangled web of misunderstandings, but fate had other plans.

Texting him to meet, l had anticipated a chance to explain, but the scene l stumbled upon shattered my intentions. Panic surged me as l saw him leaving, l was truly hurt when l saw him leave but more importantly was the hurt face l saw when he bolted out. Desperation fueled my steps as l chased after him.

He was faster than l imagined he would be.Damn this wasn't gonna be easy.He was far away before l could even catch up to him.

After moments of searching l found him crouching on a wall near the outdoor tap area.l caught my breath before l could even talk to him.He was so fast.

"What are doing here!?"

"Well someone bolted off without even getting a chance to talk to him..so that's why."He was arrogant enough to the tone but l was even more arrogant to deal with him.

"Just leave me alone!"He stood up to leave again.L caught his hand before he could leave.

"Cant we just talk already!?"

He turned to face me with the same hurt look l saw.

"Oh now you want to talk after avoiding me this entire time.Oh real nice Simi!"

Oh l flared up real quick.

"l know it was flaut but you don't have be a bitch about it!"


"No!you listen to me!l only wanted to talk out things with you to sort out..l don't know what..and reach an agreement and return to our usual self's and l also wanted to apologise for ditching you all those times and when l do you come up all acting up for reason and throw your temperment at me and l did nothing wrong..even if l did l cant know until you tell me.Come on!"

The whole time l was poking him hard as l let out my anger like a little kitten and then turned away from him to go home.If he didn't want to talk to me then fine!l told what l wanted to say am just gonna go!

Before l could he hugged me from behind which truthfully shook the anger out of me.

"Am sorry,ok..please don't leave.."

l let out a sigh.Who could be angry when he was acting this way.

"Then why were you angry?"

He tightened his grip.

"The way you were close to him.."He said in a whisper.


"That red haired fox."


"mmh..don't be close to him again."


"Just cause.."He sounded cute.Maybe he was jealous of him.Should l tease him.

"Please..don't.."He sounded desperate and his grip was tightening.

"Ok,l won't be close to him."

He didn't reply but l knew he was reassured.

"Could you perhaps now let go of me."

l tried moving out of his embrace but l couldn't.

"Just.. lets stay like this for a while."

"Oh ok."


From a distance a shadow was watching the spectacle like an entertaining show.

"Hmm..seems like his found himself a new toy."

He smiled cunningly.

"Should l maybe steal it from him.."