
Snowfall adventures

The story is about a man being tasked by a god to form a peerage. He became a fate version of jon snow and was tasked with visiting worlds with a servant so as to complete the story and recruit one individual to join the peerage. The first world is Harry Potter Pls check out my patr eon. Smithsonian86_

Smithsonian86_ · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Year 3 begins.

The summer was wasted travelling through Europe hunting for remnants of voldemort. The cabin in Albania was located but the evil babymort had long since fled.

The duo didn't want to risk pursuing him lest the dark lord wisen upto their actions. So instead they spent the rest of the time travelling and fighting magical creatures across Europe.

Some stray trolls, acromantula nests, a vampire enclave, a lone werewolf with an impressive bounty, a cheuksin Mordred encountered in an outhouse and a pack of quintaped that they encountered after entering the UK through Scotland.

The variety of opponents they encountered helped them further their magical combat prowess. Jon has finally combined his swordsmanship into a duel wielding style that he can use in conjunction with his wand.

Mordred however just found a way to brute force it as she did with all her weapon masteries. The constant exercise, extremely nutritious diet and magical potions helped bolster their growth. Mordred's body has passed her previous life's development stage. She wants to ensure that her body is better than her fathers, Jon cringed at how that would sound from any other girl.

We find the duo sitting on a bench outside a tuck shop. Jon was guzzling down an Ironbrw which is a national favourite drink among muggle Scotland. When he belched due to the carbonated drink he turned and looked to Mordred reading the paper, a late night edition of the daily prophet in her hands.

Their appearance in this world led to some fame for themselves. The wizarding world often enquires about the missing pendragon and the mysterious potential prince who accompanied her. So there is an entire section in the paper dedicated to their sightings.

"Hmph, Jon look at this dribble. These buffoons have falsified records of our hunts! I never went after a graphorn and my favourite food is most certainly not horklump meat!"

Jon peered over the article and scoffed "an Occamy? How am I supposed to find one outside of Asia. Wait... Mordred show me the front cover".

She reluctantly flipped back to the front page which showed a woman bloated to the size of a balloon followed by comments of the aurors investigating this.

"Ah fuck!" Jon said before raising his want and murmuring a spell. Mordred just watched him and didn't bother to ask what he was doing, he's Jon he does weird stuff every now and again.

Five minutes later a night bus arrived, the bus man looked sloshed. He stumbled onto the ground before swaying towards the duo. "Evening gents, did someone call for a ride."

I nodded and boarded followed by the pendragon. "Leaky cauldron please." Jon requested as the busman took a swig from a flask. "Take it away harold!" He bellowed before the bus rocketed off.

I applied a sticking charm to myself and an inertia dispersal charm so I wouldn't feel like I was shook around. Mordred forgot to so she held onto the bed railings off the bus for dear life.

The speed of the bus was incredibly difficult to calculate so they didn't bother but they realised the speed was incredible when they entered London within ten minutes.

Jon paid special attention when the bus' dimensions began to change as it squeezed through several other cars in traffic. Hmm time dilation? He pondered. He felt like deadpool breaking the fourth wall at certain points in the ride when everything began to slow to a halt.

Three minutes later the bus arrived so Jon paid the man his galleon then carried Mordred off the bus. She head butted the railing numerous times, Jon just shook his head in exasperation at her.

When they entered the bar Jon quickly sourced them a room for the night. "JON! Moe!" Called out a voice. They turned and spotted Harry rushing at them.

He hugged them both briefly, Jon greeted him whilst Mordred started a tirade about not shortening her name. Harry just chuckled at her antics. They had breakfast with the boy as it was early in the morning. He asked about their trip as a way to divert their attention from his own home life.

Safe to say he was in awe at some of the places they visited. He wanted to know about the other magical communities and the different creatures so he could speak to hagrid some more. The duo happily complied.

Soon the weaselys arrived followed by hermione so they all broke off to have their conversations. Jon and Mordred slipped off to Diagon Alley to purchase some of the year books as they only received the letters when they returned to England.

Fast forward onto the train the group of Gryffindor students were crammed into compartments happily chatting away. Mordred left Jon to establish dominance over the female again so they wouldn't get cocky because of the summer break.

Harry then began speaking about Sirius Black not noticing the sleeping professor in the room twitch every so often.

The door to the compartment opened and the scent of douchebag permeated the room. Young master Draco Malfoy arrived. He wiggles his eyebrows at Harry and attempted to stir some shit whilst pursing his lips each time he said "Pppppooooottooooorr".

Draco continued speaking not noticing Jon taking humour in his exaggerated pronunciations. "Suppose your scared off the wanted man coming to get you aren't you Ppppooottterrr." Draco egged on.

Jon chose that moment to speak "as should you Malfoy considering your as much a target as Harry".

The room froze and Draco mechanically turning to Jon. He recalled the details he'd heard about Jon that day in the hospital ward at Hogwarts so he chose his tone carefully. "What do you mean Snow?"

Jon chuckled "Sirius Black was known to hate his family with a passion. His brother Regulus disappeared so was presumably murdered. Right now there are only five people with black blood."

Jon then rose his fingers "andromeda Black and her daughter who were cast out, bellatrix stuck in Azkaban and then you and your mother Narcissa. Sirius was a pure blood lord of an ancient family. I'm sure he'll be most upset that his blood didn't try to get him out sooner. The easiest person to get to out of the five would of course be you Draco."

"Wwwwwhwhat?!?" Draco asked paling instantly as he began to hear the logic behind Jon's words. His goons slowly backed up from Draco like he'd received the black spot. Interestingly enough that's an actual thing in this world, the black family scry and mark their enemies for death. It's been figured out how they do it so it became a common warding scheme but still terrifying nonetheless.

"Draco your the one not safe, your aunt and cousin are in a heavily warded home or the ministry. Bellatrix is still trapped and your mother sits safe and comfy in your family manor. Which means the first he would go after from his family.... is YOU!!" Jon said dramatically adding he pointed at Draco.

At that moment the trained stopped and the room began to chill. The slytherins trembled as Jon continued to speak "oh Merlin! Blacks here! He stopped the train! He's coming for Draco Malfoy!!!!!" Jon shouted alerting everyone.

Malfoy's entourage promptly ran away whilst Draco took off to hide in fear. The dementors still came and leered towards Harry but before Jon could do something Remus Lupin spring to action and used his Patronus to bat them away.

Jon just sat back going over his prank. "Oh yeah this year is gonna be great."