
Chapter 2

(Albedo's POV)

"Captain Kaeya, there is no need to keep up your facade around me. I'm well aware of how you force yourself to seem outgoing, cheerful and kind to everyone. That kind of facade will not work on me." I observed as the Captain's mask broke for a split second, revealing a genuinely shocked face.

I knew. I could tell right from the start.

Kaeya, the Captain of the Calvary Knights is widely known to be warm and popular, a people pleaser. But ever since I first met him when Master Jean invited me to attend a compulsory Favonius meeting, I found him to be very interesting and I took a liking to him. I rarely find genuine interest in something, but when he walked into the room, his fake smile so well concealed, I couldn't help but stare. The faint streak of lighter blue on his luscious dark teal hair, his uniquely beautiful eye and the question of what was under his eyepatch, it all captivated my interest. I wanted all of him for myself. I wanted to find out more about him, and to experiment on him. And now that he was right in front of me, I couldn't help but want to see more of his expressions, more of his genuine reactions.

Kaeya's anger and surprise couldn't not be kept concealed, his bow furrowed, "What a ridiculous accusation, I honestly did not expect that from you Chief Alchemist-"

"Please, call me Albedo." I interrupted, calm as ever. "Do not take this the wrong way… may I call you Kaeya? No response? I'll take that as consent. I'm not trying to accuse you of anything, I'm just letting you know that there is no need to keep up such a tiring act around me, please feel comfortable with just being yourself.", I smiled, attempting to try and make Kaeya relax. Besides, he's probably more interesting when he isn't acting, I'm curious.

Kaeya sighed. I could tell he was still on edge. He raked his hand through his hair and muttered a few unintelligible words. He stood from the old chair, causing it to creak. I made a reminder to myself to draw up some new chairs.

"Can I take a look around your.. lab?" Kaeya hesitantly asked, glancing at my direction, his genuine facial expressions no longer obstructed by his mask. I smiled, "sure, but in return, I'd like to conduct a small harmless experiment on you." Raising an eyebrow, Kaeya looked at me hesitantly, before giving me his consent. It was interesting to see such an unusual expression on him. I wonder how he would look when he cries. Am I twisted for such thoughts? Doubtful. After all it is only scientific to want to study, to analyse, to experiment with a subject. I want to know more, I wanted to know everything about him.